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Right to Food - Making it Happen

Progress and Lessons Learned through Implementation

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    Book (stand-alone)
    World Food Day 2007. The right to food - make it happen 2007
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    A report of the twenty-seventh World Food Day celebration held at the FAO regional office in Bangkok in commemoration of the Organization's founding in 1945. This year's theme focused on the right to food which reflects the international community's growing awareness of the crucial role of human rights in eradicating hunger and poverty. Highlights of the day include a keynote speech on the theme of the celebration by Leonardo Q. Montemayor, President of the Federation of Free Farmers and present ation of five awards to outstanding farmers from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Samoa and Thailand by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Le droit à l'alimentation - le temps d'agir
    Avancées et enseignements tirés lors de la mise en application
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    La publication Le droit à l’alimentation – Le temps d’agir fait la synthèse de l’expérience pratique acquise et des enseignements tirés lors de la mise en application du droit à l’alimentation au niveau national, de 2006 à 2009, à partir des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation. Elle offre une information riche sur le travail accompli au Brésil, au Guatemala, en Inde au Mozambique et en Ouganda, et elle présente également les principaux enjeux soulevés et les conclusions établies l ors des trois journées d’échange du Forum sur le droit à l’alimentation en 2008
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Fisheries Tenure and User Rights: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Workshop 2020
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    This workshop was the second of a series of regional workshops on fisheries tenure and user rights. It aimed to discover regional nuances and specificities of the Latin America and Caribbean area to develop how-to guidance on appropriate tenure systems and rights-based approaches for fisheries. Representatives from both government and non-government sectors attended this workshop. Participants at the workshop presented fisheries tenure and user rights of 11 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Grenada, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay. Participants discussed in plenary three topics: 1) Recognition and allocation of tenure rights and responsibilities; 2) Transfers and other changes to tenure rights; and 3) Administration of tenure. Participants made recommendations for future work, including (1) increasing efforts on securing small-scale fishers rights; and (2) finding solutions on how different sectors can coexist. To do so, participants requested more information and guidance on tenure and user rights in fisheries along with on-the-ground support.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    World Food Day 2007. The right to food - make it happen 2007
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    A report of the twenty-seventh World Food Day celebration held at the FAO regional office in Bangkok in commemoration of the Organization's founding in 1945. This year's theme focused on the right to food which reflects the international community's growing awareness of the crucial role of human rights in eradicating hunger and poverty. Highlights of the day include a keynote speech on the theme of the celebration by Leonardo Q. Montemayor, President of the Federation of Free Farmers and present ation of five awards to outstanding farmers from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Samoa and Thailand by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Le droit à l'alimentation - le temps d'agir
    Avancées et enseignements tirés lors de la mise en application
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    La publication Le droit à l’alimentation – Le temps d’agir fait la synthèse de l’expérience pratique acquise et des enseignements tirés lors de la mise en application du droit à l’alimentation au niveau national, de 2006 à 2009, à partir des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation. Elle offre une information riche sur le travail accompli au Brésil, au Guatemala, en Inde au Mozambique et en Ouganda, et elle présente également les principaux enjeux soulevés et les conclusions établies l ors des trois journées d’échange du Forum sur le droit à l’alimentation en 2008
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Fisheries Tenure and User Rights: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Workshop 2020
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    This workshop was the second of a series of regional workshops on fisheries tenure and user rights. It aimed to discover regional nuances and specificities of the Latin America and Caribbean area to develop how-to guidance on appropriate tenure systems and rights-based approaches for fisheries. Representatives from both government and non-government sectors attended this workshop. Participants at the workshop presented fisheries tenure and user rights of 11 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Grenada, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay. Participants discussed in plenary three topics: 1) Recognition and allocation of tenure rights and responsibilities; 2) Transfers and other changes to tenure rights; and 3) Administration of tenure. Participants made recommendations for future work, including (1) increasing efforts on securing small-scale fishers rights; and (2) finding solutions on how different sectors can coexist. To do so, participants requested more information and guidance on tenure and user rights in fisheries along with on-the-ground support.

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