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Book (stand-alone)Development of Animal Identification and Recording Systems for Developing Countries: Proceedings of the ICAR/FAO Seminar held in Sousse, Tunisia, 29 May 2004 2004
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Book (stand-alone)Successes and failures with animal nutrition practices and technologies in developing countries
FAO Electronic Conference, 1-30 September 2010, Rome, Italy.
2011Also available in:
No results found.During the last four decades a number of animal-nutrition-based technologies and practices have been developed and used in developing countries, with varying degrees of success. Some technologies have produced profound beneficial efects and have been widely used; while others have shown potential on research stations but have not been taken up by farmers. To learn from these experiences, the FAO Animal Production and Health Division organised an e-conference from 1 to 30 September 2010. This doc ument presents the current status of animal nutrition practices and technologies being practiced in developing countries and an analysis of the reasons for their success or failure. It also contains a synthesis paper that summarises the major issues discussed by participants and presents conclusion drawn and lessons learnt for the future.This document is expected to assist developing countries make informed decisions about the adoption of appropriate animal nutrition practices and technologies. In addition, it should also be useful for the development community, including donor agencies, to better understand, prioritize and support appropriate animal nutrition practices and technologies in developing countries. -
Book (stand-alone)International Workshop on Animal Recording for Smallholders in Developing Countries 1998
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No results found.Workshop held in Anand (India) 20-23 October 1997 - ICAR Technical Series No. 1
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