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11-12 May 2019

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    11 -12 Maggio 2019
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    FAO is opening its doors to the public as part of the Open House Roma initiative, providing the opportunity to explore the rooms where global leaders come together to fight hunger and poverty worldwide; admire FAO’s international art collection, featuring works donated by Member Countries and archaeological finds from ancient Rome; and learn about the fight for #ZeroHunger and how we aim to achieve it by 2030.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO Open Day 2019
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    The third edition of the FAO OPEN DAY will take place on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May 2019, as part of the “Open House Roma 2019” initiative. The participants will find out about FAO’s mandate and work, and its key role in supporting countries in their efforts to achieve Zero Hunger. This event will be also an opportunity to showcasing FAO’s unique art collection, donated by Member Countries.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO OPEN DAY 2018
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    La FAO apre le sue porte al pubblico come parte dell’iniziativa Open House Roma. Esplora le sale dove i leader mondiali si riuniscono per lottare contro la fame e la povertà nel mondo. Ammira la collezione d’arte internazionale della FAO composta da opere donate dai paesi membri e da reperti archeologici della Roma antica. Scopri di più sulla lotta per raggiungere la #FameZero entro il 2030. Prenota la tua visita sul sito

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