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Modernization of irrigation techniques to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Upper Egypt

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Towards climate-smart agriculture in Egypt
    Scaling up sustainable practices for enhancing agrifood system resilience and adaptive capacity
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    This publication examines a number of interventions and practices implemented in Egypt by small-scale farmers, private sector stakeholders, and the state, and analyses the extent to which they contribute to the three-climate smart agriculture (CSA) pillars for building a more sustainable and resilient agrifood system. Such practices were identified and documented through field visits to different agroecological areas, representing the major farming systems in Egypt. The selected CSA practices presented are related to key agricultural activities, particularly intercropping, crop diversification; minimizing chemical fertilizers use; sustainable and integrated water management; and agricultural waste recycling and management. The publication presents the key role of the public and private sector, civil society organizations, and women and youths in the adoption and implementation of CSA practices. It includes also reports on some relevant national programmes that are being implemented by the Government of Egypt as part of its plan to achieve sustainable development goals.

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