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FAO Myanmar Newsletter, July 2018 - Issue #2, No. 6

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    Animal diseases and livestock emergencies 2017
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    Livestock production comprises about 43% of the global value of agricultural output. The incursion of an animal disease can devastate production, livelihoods and international trade overnight.
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    Newsletter for FAO Afghanistan 7th Issue 2017
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    The 7th issue of FAO Afghanistan is quarterly base publication, provides the audience with the information in regards to FAO Afghanistan’s major achievements during the period of October- December 2016 particularly celebration of world food day 2016, ag-fair exabition, growing high value fodder crops by farmers, controlling Foot-and Mouth Disease through vaccination campaign, food security and nutrition policy analysis study tour and success stories of beneficiaries of animal health and dairy se ctor.
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    FAO Myanmar Newsletter, December 2017 - Issue#4 2018
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    In this edition of the newsletter FAO Myanmar is sharing news on interventions from last quarter of 2017. This included celebrating the 37th World Food Day, enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction, developing Food Safety Policy and Inter-ministerial Policy Dialogue on Food Security, Nutrition, Land and Livelihoods, as well as a Regional Conference on Forest and Farm Producers Organizations.

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