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Những chiến lược sáng tạo về quản lý rủi ro trong tài chính nông nghiệp và nông thôn

Kinh nghiem o chau a nghiệm ở Châu Á

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Innovative risk management strategies in rural and agriculture finance
    The Asian experience
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    The regional study collects and analyzes recent innovative risk transfer and sharing strategies used by private or public financial institutions and enterprises leading agricultural investments in Asia. It makes an illustration of the channels through which recent strategies overcome obstacles for the delivery of various financial services to agribusinesses, such as long-term loans, savings, insurance, hedging instruments, and leasing. An explanation of the context in which these strategies seem to work is be provided in addition to those constraints that currently limit further outreach to the agribusiness sector, specially to smaller agro-enterprises with growth potential where poorer rural households participate.
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    Early-stage screening for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems
    Guidance for agribusinesses
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    Due diligence tools which help assess the alignment of proposed investment projects with the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) are critical, as decisions which are taken prior to investment implementation are among the principal determinants of an investment’s ultimate outcomes. Based on this rationale, FAO and its partner, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) have developed this early-stage screening tool for agribusinesses to enable them to align proposed investment projects with CFS-RAI and contribute to decision-making by investors on the required elements of the business model they adopt to ensure sustainability.

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