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GCP/INT/750/FIP Empowerment of Women in Irrigation and Water Resources Management for Improved Household Food Security, Nutrition and Health (WIN Project)

Report of the Midterm Evaluation Mission

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    Cluster Evaluation of: Strengthening the Role of Women in Agriculture Development for Improved Household Food; Strengthening Policy Development and Coordination for Food and Nutrition Security in Afghanistan; Support to Extension Systems, Household Food a
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    The evaluation assessed the three projects as a thematic cluster, focusing on outcome level results and the most strategic outputs. It analysed the work and assessed the overall contribution by the programme in Afghanistan by emphasizing the intended and unintended results. The evaluation was carried out between September and December 2015, with field mission to Afghanistan from the end of September to the middle of October 2015. The evaluation had contacted stakeholders, including target groups , at central level (ministries and directorates), provincial level (two provinces) and district level (three districts). In addition to contacting project staff, and staff of the FAO Representation in Afghanistan, the mission contacted one of the LTOs based in Bangkok.
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    Evaluation of the project “Creating peaceful societies through women’s improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone”
    Project code: UNJP/SIL/050/PBF
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    This report presents the results of the evaluation of the project “Creating peaceful societies through women’s improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone” (UNJP/SIL/050/PBF), jointly implemented by FAO and ILO between 2019 and 2020. The project aimed at addressing the two underlying causes of conflicts in Sierra Leone - gender discrimination and fragmented land governance - by focusing on: i) more effective and gender-inclusive land tenure governance; and ii) women’s economic empowerment through skills, knowledge, gender-sensitive financial services and organizational capacity.The project was clearly appropriate and strategic to the main peacebuilding goals and challenges in Sierra Leone. It was also clear that the project has successfully created a momentum for women and their communities at large to more confidently address conflict issues in the future. Women’s participation in design and management of income-generating economic activities was particularly successful.The evaluation makes a number of recommendations, including a follow-up of the livelihood component. Scale-up and sustainability should be the next steps for widespread mapping of family-owned lands. Providing a lighter version of the mapping software (SOLA) would help in this regard, and it could also sustain mapping at the community level after project closure.
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