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Iraq Room Project

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Project achievements and key facts in Iraq between 2020 and 2022
    Capacity Development for the Sustainable Management of Soil Resources in the NENA Region to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
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    This factsheet summarizes the main findings of a Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) implemented by the FAO office for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) from October 2020 to April 2023 in Iraq. The project focused on (i) enhancing the understanding of soil characteristics, soil challenges, and management practices in the country, (ii) strengthening national capacities for the implementation of normative tools on sustainable soil management, and (iii) strengthening regional and inter-regional collaboration on sustainable soil management. The factsheet reflects information reported in the national action plan and the national soil laboratory assessment report produced under the project. FAO hopes that all relevant stakeholders in Iraq and in the NENA region will use the findings and recommendations of this document to protect, sustainably manage and restore soils at the purpose of maintaining and increasing food security, but also to increase the country's resilience to climate change for the sustainable development and health of current and future generations.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project “Smallholder Agriculture Development and Commercialization Project of the Ministry of Agriculture”
    Project code: UTF/ANG/059/ANG
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    The project, funded by the World Bank, benefited from FAO Technical Assistance under Subcomponent 1.1 on capacity building through the farmer field school (FFS) approach. Despite some weaknesses and missing links in the design and implementation of the project, FAO's intervention has helped to build the capacities of smallholder farmers and farmers' organizations. Among the 11 deliverables of the project, six fully delivered six deliverables and achieved the relevant objectives. Four outputs have been partially delivered or can be improved: new training modules; an integrated monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methodology on FFS; literacy; and a handover strategy. 1 488 facilitators were trained out of the 1 600 expected and should cover the planned 4 000 FFS. The organizational and leadership assets generated by FFS among smallholder farmers are by far the project's most important and effective contributions to better outcomes. This report describes the salient results obtained and identifies the factors and conditions that deserved/deserve to be taken into account to ensure better quality of the products and the sustainability of the results.
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    Promotion of Iraq’s Agricultural Extension System by Supporting Digital Innovation and Capacity Development in Light of the Current COVID-19 Pandemic - TCP/IRQ/3802 2024
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    The project provided improved extension services to promote information and knowledge sharing, as well as the adoption of improved agricultural practices and measures. Farmers downloaded the digital extension services platform, which included a farmer-to-farmer extension forum. Key topics added to the original forum included livestock, sheep and goats, poultry, fishery, wheat, tomato, date and citrus. Implementation of the agriculture data entry into the application took place and was adapted by the Government of Iraq before the launch of the app. A mapping of existing resources was also carried out, where the status of Extension and Advisory Services (EAS), in partnership with the MoA, was assessed to understand the existing DEP and the status of ongoing projects through the MoA. In addition, stakeholder workshops were organized, where government staff, extension officers and farmer organizations were identified to participate in a consultative workshop to determine what information should be provided within the DEP. The project generated subject matter that was specific to Iraq, building on the FAO Digital Services Portfolio (DSP) material. This included recommendations for resource management, strategic commodities and integrated pest management. A proposal was created to generate Iraqi advisory content through the DSP tool and participatory approaches. This was followed by the development of an F2F extension forum within the digital extension service app, which was introduced to farmers through validation workshops, downloaded from Google Play. The project tested a beta version of the remote services app and solicited feedback from stakeholders, and the app was then tested and fine-tuned.

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