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Somalia Situation Report – June 2017

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    Somalia Situation Report – May 2017 2017
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    Poor rains and extended drought over consecutive growing seasons have impacted rural livelihoods and food security in Somalia, pushing the country to the brink of famine. This just five years after the 2011 crisis that claimed the lives of over a quarter million people and as the Somali people continue to rebuild from decades of internal conflict. Some 6.7 million people now face acute food insecurity (IPC phases 2, 3 & 4), with the majority – 68 percent – of severely food insecure (IPC phases 3 & 4) in rural areas (2.2 million). Rural areas are home to nine in ten people at greatest risk – those on the brink of famine (IPC 4). Following early warning in February a quick response by donors, the humanitarian community and the Somali government and people, the worst has so far been averted via a combination of interventions – including cash transfers and livelihood support delivered by FAO at massive scale. April-June rains are critical to Somalia’s main Gu growing season and help rejuve nate rangelands. While they have now started, they started late and rainfall has been below average in many places. Meanwhile, displacement, disease (a severe outbreak of acute watery diarrhoea/cholera) and compounding needs are contributing to a further deterioration in food security.
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    Northeastern Nigeria Situation Report – June 2017 2017
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    Since 2013, extreme violence provoked by the Boko Haram insurgency has caused widespread devastation across northeastern Nigeria and forced 1.83 million people to flee their homes and abandon their livelihoods (International Organization for Migration, Displacement Tracking Matrix XV, March 2017). The latest Cadre Harmonisé (CH) analysis conducted in March 2017 shows that 4. 7 million people are currently severely food insecure (March to May) in the three northeastern states of Adamawa, Borno an d Yobe, with 44 000 facing catastrophe (CH Phase 5). This is expected to further deteriorate during the coming lean season (June to August), when 5.2 million people are projected to be severely food insecure (CH Phases 3+), 50 000 of whom will face catastrophe if adequate support is not provided in time. Ongoing conflict and attacks have prevented households from conducting their livelihoods, particularly agriculture and livestock production, and from accessing markets and basic services. Howeve r, with over 1 million returnees and most IDPs in accessible areas having access to land, sufficient agricultural support is critical to enable them to benefit from the coming rainy season, beginning in June 2017.
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    Central African Republic Situation Report - June 2017 2017
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    The latest IPC carried out in February 2017 doesn’t reflect the situation as a result of latest wave of violence (May 2017), nonetheless compared with the previous analysis (December 2016), trends indicate a deterioration in household food security.

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