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Protecting cassava, a neglected crop, from pests and diseases

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    Strengthening Capacity in Managing the Incursion of Cassava Mosaic Virus Infestation in Cambodia - TCP/CMB/3604 2020
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    Cassava is the second largest income contribution to Cambodian smallholder farmers after rice. More than three hundred thousand smallholders are involved in planting this crop throughout the country. However, Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) poses a serious threat to the cassava industry in Cambodia, as well as in the region, as it can reduce cassava yield by up to 80 percent or more in susceptible varieties. Plant quarantine authorities had limited capacity and facilities to conduct field surveillance and diagnosis and regular pest monitoring, in order to take appropriate actions to restrict disease outbreaks and prevent further spreading to other areas. Farmers also had limited understanding about the disease, and how to respond to and manage the threats it posed. The main focus of the project was to develop human and institutional capacity to tackle CMD, and to control and prevent its spread.
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    Protecting plantations from pests and diseases 2001
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Integrated Pest Management of major pest and diseases in Eastern Europe and Caucasus 2017
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    This book promotes Integrated Pest Management, to contribute to reduced reliance on pesticides and the avoidance of adverse impacts from pesticide use on the health and safety of farming communities, consumers and the environment. Through the IPM approach, technical advice is provided to help plan methods and measures to control major pests and diseases occurring or expected to occur in the countries of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. The specific descriptions contain a short summary of the bio logy of the species, completed with information on methods and tools of monitoring and control. Preventive control methods are also discussed.

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