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Support to Improved Agricultural Mechanization Services - TCP/TAJ/3706

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    Support to Sustainable Agriculture Mechanization - TCP/TIM/3701 2022
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    The Government of Timor Leste recognizes the importance of addressing agricultural mechanization across agrifood chains in the country, and of developing public private community partnerships for reducing food losses, creating and diversifying business opportunities in rural communities, and reducing the work drudgery of both men and women, while increasing the resilience of smallholder farmers to face the effects of climate change In this context, the Government has developed an Agricultural Mechanization Policy Towards a Sustainable Agricultural Transformation (January 2018 in support of sustainable agricultural mechanization, which provides a strategic framework to guide and prioritize future key interventions in the country However, technical capacity was not sufficient to implement key interventions, such as the establishment of agricultural mechanization service centres and the provision of training to service providers at national and local levels The project aimed to improve farmers’ access to agricultural mechanization, by providing technical support for an effective assessment of the type, size and appropriateness of the existing machineries, and identifying input suppliers, as well as providing training for proper operation and maintenance of these machines.
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    Development of Sierra Leone Mechanization Policy - TCP/SIL/3802 2023
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    Sustainable agricultural mechanization is essential for Sierra Leone's structural transformation and job creation, as well as being a key component of achieving zero hunger. Despite efforts to date, most agricultural activities in the country, including land preparation, harvesting and threshing, are still carried out manually. To ensure sustainable national food security, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) is promoting the effective and efficient use of agricultural machinery such as tractors, power tillers, combined harvesters, etc. The adoption of a sound mechanization policy in Sierra Leone would contribute to sustainable agriculture, improved food and nutrition security and increased resilience to climate change and other shocks.
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    Improving Rural Livelihoods in Azerbaijan through a Sustainable Agricultural Advisory Service System - GCP/AZE/018/EC 2023
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    While previous efforts have been made to reform Azerbaijan’s agricultural knowledge and innovation system (AKIS) the main shortcoming within its agricultural advisory services (AAS) has been the absence of a systemic and systematic approach with a strategic vision and clear mission, supported by an adequate enabling environment. Linkages between education, research and extension have also been absent, while capacities among the AAS actors for facilitating innovation are low or non-existent. This has led to a situation in which existing AAS institutions are unable to address adequately the needs of farmers, consumers, entrepreneurs and agro-industry. The project specifically aimed to assist the Government of Azerbaijan and service providers in rural areas in better understanding and adopting operational systems, processes and services that are more focused, targeted and relevant to farmers’ innovation needs for increasing farm incomes, while protecting and enhancing the natural environment.

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