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FAO Malawi Newsletter, December 2021 - Issue #8

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    FAO Malawi newsletter, October 2021 - Issue #7
    Building back better for improved Food Security
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    Read how FAO in Malawi is working on various interventions aimed at achieving food, nutrition and income security in Malawi including country level implementation of the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control; collaborative work to establish a harmonized framework that will improve regulation of fertilizers across Southern Africa; and also action to empower teen mothers and adolescent girls through farmer field and life schools.
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    FAO Gambia Newsletter, July 2022 - Issue #2
    Towards improving lives and livelihood in the Gambia
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    FAO Gambia country office presents the second edition of its quarterly newsletter for 2022 with stories of successes and achievements. This edition focuses on all the external engagements of the country office including training sessions in collaboration with other country offices and regional and sub-regional offices aimed at improving the capacity of the staff and major stakeholders we are supporting. All these activities have aimed to forge meaningful partnerships for better impact. The newsletter mentions important events such as the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) Workshop in Senegal and the Business Operations Strategy (2.0) Training of Trainers (ToT) held in Nairobi. On the backdrop, FAO Gambia was also able to host a delegation of farmers and agriculture officers from Liberia who visited to learn about some of the best agricultural practices in the Gambia These stories are among many others that are featured in this newsletter. Read more.
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    FAO Malawi Newsletter, September 2022 - Issue #11 2022
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    This issue of the FAO Malawi Newsletter highlights the Country Office's activities and achievements for the period between July to September 2022. This issue contains stories on: the first-ever Regional Workshop for Fall Armyworm Control in Africa, the visit of the Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa to Malawi, the support to improved nutrition through the launch of a new fish recipe book, ongoing work to safeguard fisheries resources and a new and promising collaboration with the private sector.

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