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FAO Gambia Newsletter, July 2022 - Issue #2

Towards improving lives and livelihood in the Gambia

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    FAO Gambia Newsletter, April 2022 - Issue #1 2022
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    FAO Gambia country office presents its newsletter for the first quarter of 2022 with stories of successes and achievements. Key highlights include local communities will now be able to reap benefits from a 40 km feeder/access roads that FAO will construct in weeks to come. The vision to leave no one behind is also reflected in the Country Office’s deliberation to find a clear pathway towards its new Country Programming Framework (2023-27) as FAO renews its commitment to reach greater heights in food and nutrition security. Through the framework, the country office will continue with its efforts to improve the Agriculture and Natural Resources sectors for the next five years. Plans to improve the mangrove oyster sector are also coming to fruition as the FISH4ACP project launches in the country. These stories are among many others that are featured in this newsletter. Read more.
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    FAO Gambia Newsletter, October 2022 - Issue #3 2022
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    Welcome to the third quarter newsletter from FAO in The Gambia. This informative quarterly publication highlights the country office’s critical engagements and activities. These life-changing activities put the country office’s contribution to addressing the UN SDGs on a firm footing. Read more.
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    Post-Crisis Response to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue#1, June - December 2017 2018
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    The publication is one of the key visibility and advocacy tools for the European Union funded project entitled "Post Crisis-Response to Food and nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia". The 29-month project is being implemented jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), UNICEF and the World Food Programme (WFP) in close partnership with the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and other partners in four of the Gambia’s administrative regions where malnutrition levels are unaccepttably. It seeks to contribute to improved food and nutrition security of vulnerable households through increased household food and nutrition security and incomes of beneficiary communities. This edition of the newsletter highlights the key activities and achievements in the first and second quarters of project implementation in the fight against hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty in the beneficiary communities. The newsletter showcases personal testimonies from the smallholder farmers and and a senior agricultural officer.

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