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Afghanistan: The impact of the June 2022 earthquake on Khost and Paktika provinces

DIEM – Data in Emergencies Impact report, January 2023

FAO. 2023. Afghanistan: The impact of the June 2022 earthquake on Paktika and Khost provinces. Data in Emergencies Impact report, January 2023. Rome.

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    Data in Emergencies Impact report, July 2023
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    South Sudan: The impact of conflict on food security and livelihoods
    DIEM-Impact report, January 2024
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    Food insecurity in South Sudan is driven by cascading shocks including conflict and insecurity, macro-economic crisis caused by the depreciation of the local currency, high inflation, conflict in the Sudan, climatic shocks (floods and dry spells), climate- and conflict-induced population displacement, persistent low agricultural production levels, and the cumulative effects of prolonged years of asset depletion that continue to erode the coping capacities of households and the loss of livelihoods. This DIEM-Impact assessment adopted qualitative research approaches and enabled an understanding of experiences, attitudes, behaviours and interactions in relation to conflict and food insecurity, and the impacts of floods in locations where they have been prevalent.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established Data in Emergencies Impact (DIEM-Impact) to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.

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