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Biomass waste management strategy for Uganda


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    Book (stand-alone)
    Biomass waste management strategy for Uganda 2021
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    This Biomass Waste Strategy provides evidence of the large amount of biomass waste (by-product) from small informal and large formal sawmilling facilities in Uganda; as well as actions to reduce the large volume of waste. Uganda has witnessed an increase in investment in plantation forestry since 2004. As the plantations mature and processing commences, the amount of waste will also increase. The report therefore provides expert advice and technical assistance to support sawmill managers and supervisors to acquire skills and knowledge in downstream processing and utilization to reduce wood waste. It focusses on the development of a waste management strategy appropriate for Uganda, with a specific focus on pine sawmilling. If waste could be minimised in the sawmilling context, more of the high value primary product would be produced. Modern sawmills are able to achieve in excess of 50 percent product output. However, Sawmilling in Uganda is characterised by many small, mobile, informal sawmills, which currently produce more sawn products than the formal sawmills. There is a large amount of waste produced each year, with both formal and informal sawmills operating at very low recovery rates. One needs to consider the extent of the industrial forests in Uganda in order to make predictions regarding the wood that is being processed or will be processed, as well as the waste that will be generated. Therefore, a biomass strategy is important.
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    Book (series)
    Integrated soil and water mangement for orchard development
    Role and importance
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    This publication discusses the role and importance of integrated soil and water management in orchards and is intended to highlight the better use of resources. This publication will contribute to raising awareness of the possibilities for the better use of rainwater and improved management of soils with reduced erosion. It will be useful to those concerned with maintaining and improving the quality of soil including farmers, researchers, advisory sstaff, consultants and technical decision-maker s.
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    Book (series)
    Fish waste management
    Assessment on potential production and utilization of fish silage in Bangladesh, Philippines and Thailand
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    A significant amount of fish by-products is produced during fish processing. These by-products represent 20–80 percent of the fish and provide a good source of macro- and micronutrients. Yet they often go unutilized, when they can easily be converted into a variety of products including fishmeal and oil, fish hydrolysates, fish collagen, fish sauce, fish biodiesel and fish leather. The production of fish silage using organic acid is a good example of the simple and inexpensive conversion processes which can be employed. Fish silage production uses minced by-products or minced whole fish unsuitable for human consumption as raw material, before adding a preservative to stabilize the mixture – usually an organic acid such as formic acid. The process breaks down protein into free amino acids and small-chain peptides which have nutritional and antimicrobial properties, therefore, the fish silage can be used as healthy feed and fertilizer. The feasibility studies on fish waste management in Bangladesh, Philippines and Thailand outline existing good practices on the utilization of by-products and fish waste. Furthermore, the insights provided on the potential production and utilization of fish silage in each country are promising in terms of increasing the productivity of the fisheries sector, reducing post-harvest waste, increasing economic value and improving environment sustainability.

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