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DocumentIndependent Evaluation of Project Development Assistance to Farmers in Remote Areas of Kosovo and Montenegro - GCP/RER/019/LUX
Follow-up report to the management response
2013Also available in:
No results found.The project has changed the work plan for no-cost extension period based on the evaluation’s recommendation. The project has recruited an international M&E specialist and two national M&E consultants. Recruitment process of monitoring and media specials is at the moment on-going, the purpose is to make all projects results available for wider audiences. The project is going to strength governments extension services through various workshops with a goal to make project more sustainable and trans ferable to the other regions. Success stories will be written and published on the FAO website. The project website will be created and uploaded with project documents, publication, ppt and other useful information, will be available for all in the region in next few years. -
DocumentDevelopment Assistance to Farmers in Remote Areas of Kosovo and Montenegro - GCP/PER/019/LUX
Management Response to evaluation report
2012Also available in:
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DocumentProject to assist ERRA and its partners in restoring livelihoods in the earthquake affected areas of Pakistan – OSRO/PAK/701/SWE Evaluation Report 2011
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No results found.The present evaluation was launched with a view to providing the Governments of Pakistan and Sweden as well as FAO with an independent and objective assessment of the performance of the project. The evaluation mission visited Pakistan from 26 April to 14 May 2011, and visited 5 project districts in both AJK State and KP Province where Community Livelihood Rehabilitation Plans (CLRP) and Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWSMP) have been developed and are being implemented.
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