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Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Zambia

FAO. 2024. Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Zambia. Rome.

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    Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Costa Rica 2024
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    This brief provides a snapshot of agrifood policymaking in Costa Rica. It summarizes the government's efforts in achieving sustainable agrifood systems in recent years, highlighting economic, environmental and social aspects. Against the backdrop of the country's participation in the UN Food Systems Summit, and follow-up processes, it discusses the nation's agrifood policy coordination, multistakeholder engagement, and the importance of investments for sustainable agrifood systems.
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    Research capacity for sustainable agrifood systems in the context of the Agricultural Innovation Systems: Insights from Malawi’s multistakeholder policy dialogues
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    The research function is crucial for developing, testing, and adapting novel solutions for transforming agri-food systems in the region. Yet a study conducted on Malawi’s Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) revealed that the key actors in the system lacked capacity to facilitate and or engage in the research function effectively. To address this constraint, a policy dialogue informed by multi-level and multi-stakeholder approach was facilitated to identify obstacles and propose practical solutions. The Identified key obstacles to agricultural research in promoting innovation were: poor networking, insufficient skills to mobilize resources, absence of knowledge management and communication strategy, weak governance mechanisms, as well as use of an underdeveloped monitoring, evaluation and learning system. This brief includes policy recommendations to strengthen the research function within the AIS framework in Malawi.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Harnessing SDG-based Agrifood System Transformation through the Empowerment of the Next-Generation of Agrifood Leadership in Africa
    Generating transformational changes in people, processes and markets across Africa
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    HASTEN: Harnessing SDG-based Agrifood System Transformation through the Empowerment of the Next-Generation of Agrifood Leadership in Africa, aims to generate transformational changes in people, processes and markets by strengthening capacities for sustainable agrifood systems transformation across Africa, through the development of new skills to cope with complex, multilevel, multi-sectoral and multistakeholder governance, SDG integration and cross-cutting themes such as inclusion, gender, youth and environmental sustainability. The project is co-led by the FAO Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG), FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF), Subregional Office for Eastern Africa (SFE) and the Subregional Office for West Africa (SFW), and will be implemented in close collaboration with FAO Country Offices in Lesotho, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.

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