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    Book (series)
    Poverty mapping in Uganda: Extrapolating household expenditure data using environmental data and regression technique 2011
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    This ‘Working Paper’ series pulls together different strands of work on the wide range of topics covered by the Animal Production and Health Division with the aim of providing ‘fresh’ information on developments in various regions of the globe, some of which is hoped may contribute to foster sustainable and equitable livestock sector development.The work described in this paper follows directly on from earlier attempts to develop a novel approach to mapping poverty using environmental data. The aim was to get closer to understanding some of the underlying causes of poverty – something that is unlikely to be feasible using approaches based only on socio-economic data such as the traditional small area estimate (SAE) techniques. The environmental poverty mapping technique involved modelling geo-registered household expenditure estimates in Uganda, available from household surveys, using discriminant analysis of a range of environmental data – mostly derived from satellite remote sensing. This analysis was successful, resulting in a series of poverty maps and lists of environmental variables that were strongly correlated with poverty at different spatial resolutions.
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    AquaCrop Section 2.21: Input files (Chapter 2 – Users guide)
    Section 2.21 of Reference Manual AquaCrop Version 4.0. Update August 2013
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    Input files contain the characteristics of the crop, of the environment (climate, management, soil) in which the crop is cultivated, and of the conditions outside the growing period and at the start of the simulation run. By default the input files are stored in the DATA subdirectory of the AquaCrop folder.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    A Python package for Agro-Ecological Zoning. User Guide for PyAEZ (v 2.0.0) 2023
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    Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ) framework was developed as a tool to analyse the effect of climate on land use and agricultures, as well as helping to optimise the crop cycle to produce the best yield possible. PyAEZ is an open-source Python package which offers AEZ calculations for user to implement for their regional AEZ analyses. This technical document contains detailed descriptions of all the AEZ modules and functions in PyAEZ.

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