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Major issues for nutrition strategies (ICN) Summary

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Major issues for nutrition strategies
    International Conference on Nutrition. Rome (Italy), 5-11 Dec 1992
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    Executive Summary of the International Scientific Symposium on Food and Nutrition Security Information, 17 – 19 January 2012
    From valid measurement to effective decision making
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    The 2012 Symposium brought together nearly 400 practitioners working on issued related to food and nutrition security information. The objectives of the symposium were to: 1) report on progress made in the five methods originally reviewed in the 2002 symposium, with a special focus on FAO’s undernourishment estimates, the use of household income and expenditure data, and questionnaires for measuring people’s experience of food security and hunger. 2) report on innovations in new metrics, particularly in regard to changes in the global and country contexts cited above. 3) move the discourse past information generation per se towards taking a closer look at how to increase the use of that information in decision making for food and nutrition security.
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    The Brazilian Fome Zero Strategy: A Reference for Designing Food and Nutrition Security Policies 2009
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    Zero Hunger’s strategy combines short ‐ term responses to emergency situations with medium ‐ and long ‐ term responses that help create the necessary conditions for families to guaranteeing their own food security. Additionally, it recognizes that the needs of people living in rural and urban areas differ and offers a specific set of interventions for each case. This is in line with the “twin ‐ track approach” recommended by FAO in the 1996 World Food Summit and endorsed by the Comprehensive Fr amework of Action of the UN’s Secretary General High ‐ Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis.

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