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Estimating household and institutional food wastage and losses in the context of measuring food deprivation and food excess in the total population

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    The FAO approach to food loss concepts and estimation in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 12 Target 3 2016
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    FAO is undertaking a two-pronged approach to building a dedicated global database on post-harvest/slaughter food losses (up to the retail level), and providing country level support to measure, estimate or impute the pertinent data. Country-specific food loss indices will then be calculated, and geo-aggregated up to a global level index. These indices will measure and monitor progress against one of the two components of Sustainable Development Goal 12 Target 3 (denoted as SDG 12.3).
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    Guidelines on the measurement of harvest and post-harvest losses – Estimating fish and post-harvest loss measurement in Guyana
    Field test report
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with The Ministry of Agriculture in the Republic of Guyana organized and conducted a fish loss training/workshop. The training workshop held in Georgetown, Guyana from 25-29 November 2019. The main purpose of the training workshop was to test Fish Loss measurement tools and provide knowledge and values regarding global fish losses in the context of food security. This report presents details about the training workshop and experience gained from testing of the Guidelines on fish loss measurement. It includes situation analysis, Training Needs Assessment (TNA), selection of participants, goal and objectives, training description, preparation of training, delivery of training, and evaluation. In addition, some recommendations were provided for improving the Guidelines and future training workshops. The summative evaluation, based on candid opinion of trainees, suggest that the five (5) day training workshop was successful.

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