FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, WHO & SPC. 2024. An overview of food security and nutrition in the Pacific 2022. Apia.
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Book (stand-alone)Regional Overview of Food Insecurity Asia and the Pacific 2016
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No results found.The year 2015 marked the end of the global Millennium Development agenda and 2016 heralds a transition to the new 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Asia-Pacific Region not only met the MDG target of halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger, but was also the region with the largest reduction in the number of undernourished people in the world. Despite good progress being made by many countries in tackling malnutrition, the overall rate of progress is less than desired and the re are several countries and sub-regions where the prevalence rates are still very high. The analysis presented in this report will help encourage dialogue and shape a new public narrative towards eradicating hunger and malnutrition and creating a transformative change for sustainable development.Most governments are taking concrete actions to address the problem and there is a clear recognition of strengthening agriculture and food systems in a manner that brings more affordable, hea lthier and diverse food options within everyone’s reach.
This report also introduces a special section which will focus on a different selected key issue or trend affecting food security and nutrition in the region each year. This year, the focus is on the importance of milk and smallholder dairy in view of the remarkable growth in the production and consumption of milk and milk products in the region. The section concludes that the promotion of milk consumption and small-scale dairying offe rs potential for triple wins in nutrition, rural livelihoods and the environment.See the other Regional Overviews:
Book (stand-alone)Yemen – Shocks, agricultural livelihoods and food security
Monitoring report, December 2021
2021Also available in:
No results found.This report shares an analysis of the effects of natural and man-made shocks in Yemen’s agri-food system. It analyses the results of a field assessment conducted from November 2020 to February 2021 . The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is implementing a project to contribute to data collection and analysis linked to shocks affecting agricultural livelihoods and food security, in order to inform evidence-based programming in selected countries. The objective is to assess the effects of these shocks on the agri-food system, which includes crops, livestock and fishing, food supply, livelihoods and food security of rural populations. Information is collected from primary sources of the production process: producer households, traders or marketers, inputs suppliers, extension officers and other key informants. This report covers the second round of data collected through the FAO monitoring system in Yemen. A first round was collected earlier in 2020, followed by an initial report published in March 2021. The report was made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of FAO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States of America Government. -
Book (series)Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2024
Building resilience to climate variability and extremes for food security and nutrition
2025Also available in:
Latin America and the Caribbean have seen a decline in hunger and food insecurity for two years, driven by social protection programs and post-COVID recovery. However, disparities persist, especially among women, rural populations, and vulnerable groups. The region is unlikely to meet most nutrition targets, and healthy diets remain expensive. Climate variability is increasing in the region, affecting food security across availability, access, utilization, and stability. This climate impact reduces agricultural productivity, disrupts food supply chains, and raises food prices. Vulnerable populations are most affected, with changing diets further exacerbating the situation. Climate change is worsening food security and the causes of malnutrition.
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