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Call for action to avert famine in 2021

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    International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 Global Action Plan 2021
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    The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) 2021 Global Action Plan was elaborated and agreed upon by the IYFV International Steering Committee. The activities contained in this plan have been developed along the four main lines of action for this year: 1. Advocacy and Awareness Raising; 2. Knowledge Creation and Dissemination; 3. Policy Making; and 4. Capacity Development and Education. The Annex includes a list of additional activities developed and agreed by the IYFV International Steering Committee in line with the Lines of Action for the Year, but which were not included in the Global Action Plan for reasons including lack of funding and actions suggested for implementation at national and local level. However, this list could serve as a resource for potential partners who are interested in contributing to the Year.
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    Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030
    New York, 18 September 2023
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    The Collaborative Partnership on Forests is an innovative voluntary inter-agency partnership established in 2001 to support the UN Forum on Forests and its Member States, and to enhance cooperation and coordination on forest issues. Through its resolution 2015/33, the UN Economic and Social Council defined the core functions of the CPF as a component of the International Arrangement on Forests. The CPF is comprised of 16 global international organizations, institutions and secretariats that all have substantial programmes on forests. On 18 September 2023, the Heads and senior representatives of the CPF member organizations met to commit to reinforcing actions to strengthen global and national efforts to fully unlock the contribution of forests to SDGs and achieve the CPF joint vision for forests towards 2030, by launching The CPF Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030.Convinced that renewed and enhanced commitment, anchored in international solidarity and effective cooperation, and collective action are needed, The CPF Joint Call to Action is a vehicle to bring much needed attention to the importance of achieving the Global Forest Goals and to the contribution of forest conservation, restoration and sustainable use to achieving the SDGs. This is even more urgent considering the global climate crisis, biodiversity loss, wildfires, and the need to support vulnerable people across the globe and acknowledging that the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit is a critical moment to take stock of progress made, address remaining barriers, and accelerate action for achieving joint vision for forests by 2030. The purpose of this CPF Joint Call to Action outlines how the CPF will scale up its efforts in supporting the role of forests in achieving Global Forest Goals and SDGs towards 2030, but does not intend to establish new structures or frameworks. It contains a list of priority areas for actions, which are expected to result in more effective and impactful implementation and synergies, with lower transaction costs. In this way, the CPF-wide effort will serve as a flagship for the Decade of Action for the SDGs.
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    Multi-Agency Drought Alert - Immediate global action required to prevent famine in the Horn of Africa 2022
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    A 5th consecutive season of drought has been set in motion by a poor start to October–December rains, and below-average rainfall is also considered likely to continue during the March–May 2023 season; a humanitarian catastrophe is occurring now, and more funds are crucial to save lives.

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