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Genetic Improvement of Rainbow Trout in the Islamic Republic of Iran - TCP/IRA/3602

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Genetic improvement of the rainbow trout in the Islamic Republic of Iran 2018
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    The purpose of this publication is to give a clear understanding of the project objectives to the stakeholders and expose them to the latest technical developments in terms of the Genetic Improvement of Rainbow Trout Project in Iran. The content is composed of project highlights, information on national breeding program, capacity development, and achievements. As identified in the project document in order to improve the visibility of the project and for ease of communication in knowledge sharing and improvement of local collaboration with participation of farmers as the ultimate beneficiaries of the project, the communication and advocacy materials should be shared.
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    Strengthening Forest Resilience in the Islamic Republic of Iran - TCP/IRA/3502 2019
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    The already sparse forest cover of the Islamic Republic of Iran has beenthreatened with further reduction by oak dieback in the Zagros forestsand boxwood blight in the Caspian region. The forests provideinvaluable economic, social and cultural benefits, and they are vital toenvironmental sustainability with respect to water and soil resourcesand mitigating adverse climatic effects. This project was implementedto support the efforts in establishing a sustainable forest managementsystem to increase the resilience and capacity of the Zagros forestto overcome natural shocks resulting from repeated drought and oakdieback, and of the Caspian forest to overcome the biotic stressescaused by boxwood blight disease.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Improve agriculture monitoring systems through satellite imagery for the Islamic Republic of Iran 2019
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    Due to more and more frequent extreme climate events (floods, drought, and frosts) and due to the changes in precipitation (amounts, seasonality, intensity) and warming temperatures that are impacting rainfed agriculture and changing growing seasons, the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture (MOJA) of the Islamic Republic of Iran asked the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to provide assistance in setting up an improved agriculture monitoring system, based on integral use of advanced geospatial technologies to support development of the techniques, policy and investment conditions to achieve sustainable agricultural development under the current changing conditions of climate. The project has focused on the identification of state-of-the-art methods and strategy for acreage and yield estimation, based on an assessment of the existing monitoring methodology, optimized through the use of remote sensing. In addition, the project benefitted from the availability of multi-temporal satellite images for testing and monitoring of a range of crops in 3 selected pilot areas: the provinces of Zanjan and Mazandaran and the region of the south of Kerman. The publication reports data collected, processes followed and results obtained at this stage of the still not completely concluded study.

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