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Eliminating hazardous child labour through safe and sustainable farming practices

Information note and call for action

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    Addressing hazardous child labour and reducing risks posed by hazardous pesticides
    Technical note for agricultural stakeholders
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    The Rotterdam Convention Secretariat (NSPRD) and the Child Labour in Agriculture Prevention team in ESP in FAO have established a strong collaboration throughout the last years. The objective of this brochure is to provide different stakeholders with an array of information pertaining to hazardous pesticides and child labour/safety, informing them on the role they can play and giving them tools and resources to address the issue.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Child Labour - Eliminating child labour and forced labour in cotton-growing communities 2019
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    The Clear Cotton Project ‘’Eliminating child labour and forced labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chains: an integrated approach’’ is co-funded by the European Union (EU) under the Development Cooperation Instrument and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in collaboration with FAO. This flyer is part of the communication and visibility strategy of this project, and aims at providing a quick glance about the project scope and main objectives with regard to FAO’s component.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Eliminating child labour and promoting decent work in fisheries and aquaculture 2018
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    Today, 152 million children worldwide are engaged in child labour, of which 70.9% are in the agricultural sector, including fisheries and aquaculture. This global problem is a human rights abuse perpetuating poverty, especially in rural areas. With appropriate action, this critical issue can be addressed with a view to generating decent employment opportunities, work that will sustain agriculture, increase food security and help families and communities transition out of poverty. FAO is working to build a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector that accounts for economic, environmental and social matters, including decent work and the prevention of child and forced labour. This brief raises awareness on the issue and FAO’s work to address it. It will be launched on the World Day Against Child Labour (12 June 2018) and shared at the IFISH Conference on Occupational Safety and Health in Commercial Fishing, Aquaculture, and Seafood Processing (10-13 June 2018).

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