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A risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever into the Cook Islands

FAO. 2024. A risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever into the Cook Islands. Apia, FAO.

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    A risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever into Solomon Islands 2024
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    A risk assessment mission in Solomon Islands was undertaken by the EpiCentre, School of Veterinary Sciences, Massey University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP/SAP/3805). The assessment aimed to evaluate the risk of introducing the African swine fever virus (ASFV) into Solomon Islands. The risk assessment results are then used to recommend measures to prevent or reduce the impacts of African swine fever (ASF) incursion in Solomon Islands.
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    A risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever into the Pacific Island countries 2024
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    This publication is a dedicated risk assessment that specifically addresses the introduction of African swine fever (ASF) into the Pacific Islands countries. It was conducted by the EpiCentre, School of Veterinary Sciences at Massey University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as part of the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP/SAP/3801). Serving as an invaluable resource, this publication is intended for policymakers, veterinary professionals, and other stakeholders actively engaged in protecting the pig industry and safeguarding the agricultural sector against the potential risks and implications of ASF.
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    A risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever into the Federated States of Micronesia 2022
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    This report describes a risk assessment mission in the Federated States of Micronesia, undertaken by the EpiCentre, School of Veterinary Sciences, Massey University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP/SAP/3801). The overall aim was to evaluate the risk of introducing the African swine fever virus (ASFV) into the Federated States of Micronesia and use the findings to propose recommendations that enable professionals, communities and key stakeholders to implement prevention and mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of African swine fever (ASF) incursion. ASF is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs. It has emerged from Africa, spreading to eastern Europe, China and Southeast Asia. Due to ASF outbreaks in Asia and Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands countries now prioritise preventing the introduction of ASF. A risk assessment of ASFV introduction is necessary for deciding which preventive actions would be most effective. The assessment of risk was conducted using the OIE import risk analysis framework. The most likely pathway for introducing ASFV into the Federated States of Micronesia was importing unauthorised pork products that international arrival passengers may bring in via airport or searport. Should infected products enter the Federated States of Micronesia, there is a distinct pathway for exposure because pigs are routinely fed food scraps (swill) from households. The likelihood of transmission of ASFV to other susceptible pigs was considered extremely high due to the lack of farm biosecurity and the presence of feral pigs. The assessment method was a systematic, qualitative import risk analysis of ASFV introduction to the Federated States of Micronesia. Results provide information about high-risk areas for ASF introduction, exposure and spread in FSM. They also identify gaps in control and prevention measures. The following steps are being proposed to minimise the likelihood of entry and exposure and the consequence of ASFV introduction.

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