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Book (stand-alone)国际农药管理行为守则
2018本出版物是《国际农药管理行为守则》的指导方针之一。 广告是通过印刷和电子媒体、标志、展示、礼品、演示或口碑宣传农药的销售和使用。它是影响购买决策和建立品牌或产品名称的认可度或忠诚度的有力手段。在推广农药时,提供准确的产品信息并强调用户能力的重要性非常重要。 《国际农药销售和使用行为准则》(以下简称《行为准则》)第 11 条规定了广告指南(见附件 1)。农药行业被要求遵守这些标准,特别是在缺乏适当立法和咨询服务的国家,并敦促政府制定适当的法规或立法来执行广告标准。 广告有许多不同的形式,这些指南提供了有关标准的当前期望和最佳实践的详细信息。它们旨在涵盖与所有用途、应用和服务(包括农业、公共卫生、林业、仓库、家庭和花园、害虫控制运营商、建筑等)相关的农药广告,遵循守则中包含的农药定义行为。 -
Book (stand-alone)国际农药管理行为守则
农药良好标签规范准则 (修订版)
2018Also available in:
The guidelines have been brought in line with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), and where the GHS allows for (national) interpretation of its provisions, these guidelines provide specific options relevant to pesticide labelling. These guidelines identify the main objectives and considerations in preparing a label and provide guidance for the layout and required information to be presented. Technical Guidelines are issued to elaborate specific articles of the FAO & WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management (the Code) and related technical aspects of pesticide management. These guidelines are developed by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management (JMPM) This present, revised, version of the Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice for Pesticides targets pesticide regulatory authorities, primarily in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, which have to define or revise national pesticide labelling requirements. The guidelines aim also to assist pesticide registration authorities in reviewing the design and contents of (draft) pesticide labels. Other stakeholders, such as pesticide industry and civil society groups, may also find the guidelines useful for writing or evaluating pesticide labels.
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