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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetEvaluation of FAO’s activities in crop production 2005Ensuring food security and raising farm income levels have been fundamental corporate objectives since the founding of FAO. Activities aimed at increasing and diversifying crop production are therefore of major interest, and numerous requests for assistance in this area are received from FAO’s member countries.
BookletEvaluation of the project “Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing emissions in Côte d’Ivoire”
Mid-term report, project code: GCP/IVC/609/GCF
2024Also available in:
The project “Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing emissions in Côte d'Ivoire” (2021–2026) aims to reduce emissions through better land use, reforestation and reduced deforestation in three regions – Agnéby-Tiassa, La Mé and Sud-Comoé. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) provided financial support and FAO implemented the project with the Government of Côte d'Ivoire.The evaluation found that the project is relevant and strategically aligned with national development objectives and partner priorities. The logical framework is well developed, with some areas for improvement: gender disaggregation, baseline definitions for some indicators, and clarification of the co-benefits. The project did not achieve its mid-term objectives, mainly due to a delay during the first year.The monitoring and evaluation framework is appropriate but needs to be strengthened. Gender was well integrated in the design, but women’s presence in agroforestry and reforestation activities is still low. The project exhibits country ownership and sustainability potential.The evaluation has six recommendations: i) create a national platform for exchanges on zero-deforestation agriculture; ii) strengthen the alignment of the logical framework with the theory of change (TOC); iii) update demographic indicators; iv) strengthen knowledge management activities; v) reinforce gender mainstreaming and social inclusion; and vi) provide capacity building for members of the project steering committee.
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