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How can agricultural policies and strategies help to end child labour in agriculture?

FSN Forum report of activity No. 165

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    Comment les politiques et les stratégies agricoles aident-elles à mettre un terme au travail des enfants dans l’agriculture?
    Rapport d'activité no. 165 du FSN Forum
    Le présent document présente une synthèse de la discussion en ligne sur le thème Comment les politiques et stratégies agricoles peuvent-elles contribuer à éradiquer le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture? tenue sur le Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN) de la FAO du 27 avril au 25 mai 2020. Cette discussion a été modérée par Jessie Rivera Fagan de la FAO, Rome, Italie. La discussion a eu lieu dans le cadre des activités menées par la FAO en vue de l’Année internationale de l’élimination du travail des enfants en 2021 et de ses efforts plus larges pour contribuer à la réalisation de la cible 8.7 des objectifs de développement durable d’ici 2025. Il est souvent nécessaire d’adopter une approche multisectorielle globale pour lutter contre le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture. Les participants ont donc été invités à échanger des informations et des études de cas sur les politiques et les programmes qui ont réussi à réduire le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture dans les domaines suivants: 1) la faim et la malnutrition; 2) le changement climatique et la dégradation de l’environnement; 3) l’agriculture familiale; 4) l’innovation; 5) les investissements publics et privés; 6) l’attention portée aux chaînes d’approvisionnement nationales; et 7) les politiques et stratégies intersectorielles.
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    Accelerating action to help to end child labour in agriculture in Asia
    Regional Workshop on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture, 28 September 2021: Regional report
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    The policy paper includes a description of the child labour context and importance of the problem in Asia. It analyses a wide body of data and characteristics of child labour in agriculture in Asia. This paper seeks to analyse challenges in the region with a focus on the issue of child labour in agriculture and the underlying causes in which agricultural stakeholders can make a difference: rural poverty, social protection in rural areas, safe agricultural practices, labour-saving practices, gender equality, access to education in rural areas, food security. The paper highlights the relationship between child labour in agriculture with rural poverty and food insecurity in Asia. It encompasses specific challenges of the region that have an impact on child labour and rural livelihoods are Covid-19 pandemic, natural disasters, climate change, protracted crisis, massive displacement of populations, armed conflicts, etc. This paper pinpoints examples of regional challenges with a focus on Fisheries and Aquaculture sub-sector and on crop farming (rice ). The paper provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of regional and national child labour policies/roadmaps/initiatives such as ASEAN roadmap on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and the case of Vietnam as Pathfinder country for Alliance 8.7. It looks into examples of good practices of countries that are making progress, in particular Cambodia, Pakistan and Philippines. This paper includes a set of recommendations and suggested policies to support the prevention of child labour in agriculture in Asia.
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    Report of the Conference: Accelerating actions to help end child labour in agriculture in Africa
    Virtual meeting, 29 September 2021
    Also available in:
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    Child labour is seen as a cause and effect of poverty. Agriculture over the years has also been seen as an entry point for child labours and constitutes over 80% of the child labour population in sub-Saharan African. The Accelerating Action To Help End Child Labour In Agriculture In Africa conference, was organized to find sustainable solutions to eliminate child labour in the region. Finding solutions to this growing social and economic problem requires multiple approach. It is even more important when the solutions must lead to an accelerated change in the already existing narrative in the region and tackle the root causes of the issue which poverty and hunger. Agriculture stakeholder can lead the action that will increase investment into agri-food system, capacity building, providing age-appropriate technology and decent work for the youth. This conference document has compiled the conference proceedings of key agriculture stakeholders in the academia, producer organizations, developing partners and government agencies for a sustainable action. It is anticipated that these solutions will cause the need change required to eliminate child labour from agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Comment les politiques et les stratégies agricoles aident-elles à mettre un terme au travail des enfants dans l’agriculture?
    Rapport d'activité no. 165 du FSN Forum
    Le présent document présente une synthèse de la discussion en ligne sur le thème Comment les politiques et stratégies agricoles peuvent-elles contribuer à éradiquer le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture? tenue sur le Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN) de la FAO du 27 avril au 25 mai 2020. Cette discussion a été modérée par Jessie Rivera Fagan de la FAO, Rome, Italie. La discussion a eu lieu dans le cadre des activités menées par la FAO en vue de l’Année internationale de l’élimination du travail des enfants en 2021 et de ses efforts plus larges pour contribuer à la réalisation de la cible 8.7 des objectifs de développement durable d’ici 2025. Il est souvent nécessaire d’adopter une approche multisectorielle globale pour lutter contre le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture. Les participants ont donc été invités à échanger des informations et des études de cas sur les politiques et les programmes qui ont réussi à réduire le travail des enfants dans l’agriculture dans les domaines suivants: 1) la faim et la malnutrition; 2) le changement climatique et la dégradation de l’environnement; 3) l’agriculture familiale; 4) l’innovation; 5) les investissements publics et privés; 6) l’attention portée aux chaînes d’approvisionnement nationales; et 7) les politiques et stratégies intersectorielles.
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    Accelerating action to help to end child labour in agriculture in Asia
    Regional Workshop on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture, 28 September 2021: Regional report
    Also available in:
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    The policy paper includes a description of the child labour context and importance of the problem in Asia. It analyses a wide body of data and characteristics of child labour in agriculture in Asia. This paper seeks to analyse challenges in the region with a focus on the issue of child labour in agriculture and the underlying causes in which agricultural stakeholders can make a difference: rural poverty, social protection in rural areas, safe agricultural practices, labour-saving practices, gender equality, access to education in rural areas, food security. The paper highlights the relationship between child labour in agriculture with rural poverty and food insecurity in Asia. It encompasses specific challenges of the region that have an impact on child labour and rural livelihoods are Covid-19 pandemic, natural disasters, climate change, protracted crisis, massive displacement of populations, armed conflicts, etc. This paper pinpoints examples of regional challenges with a focus on Fisheries and Aquaculture sub-sector and on crop farming (rice ). The paper provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of regional and national child labour policies/roadmaps/initiatives such as ASEAN roadmap on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and the case of Vietnam as Pathfinder country for Alliance 8.7. It looks into examples of good practices of countries that are making progress, in particular Cambodia, Pakistan and Philippines. This paper includes a set of recommendations and suggested policies to support the prevention of child labour in agriculture in Asia.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Report of the Conference: Accelerating actions to help end child labour in agriculture in Africa
    Virtual meeting, 29 September 2021
    Also available in:
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    Child labour is seen as a cause and effect of poverty. Agriculture over the years has also been seen as an entry point for child labours and constitutes over 80% of the child labour population in sub-Saharan African. The Accelerating Action To Help End Child Labour In Agriculture In Africa conference, was organized to find sustainable solutions to eliminate child labour in the region. Finding solutions to this growing social and economic problem requires multiple approach. It is even more important when the solutions must lead to an accelerated change in the already existing narrative in the region and tackle the root causes of the issue which poverty and hunger. Agriculture stakeholder can lead the action that will increase investment into agri-food system, capacity building, providing age-appropriate technology and decent work for the youth. This conference document has compiled the conference proceedings of key agriculture stakeholders in the academia, producer organizations, developing partners and government agencies for a sustainable action. It is anticipated that these solutions will cause the need change required to eliminate child labour from agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.

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