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Key sanitary and phytosanitary issues constraining the efficient movement of agricultural products at the South African Development Community regional ports of entry and exit and how to address them

FAO. 2023. Key sanitary and phytosanitary issues constraining the efficient movement of agricultural products at the South African Development Community regional ports of entry and exit and how to address them. Rome.

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    Global growth in the trade of agricultural products, with associated increased risk in the introduction and spread of pests, poses challenges for Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States wanting to gain access to new markets and maintain trade. Gaining market access by any country requires a balance between the importance of trade flows and need to protect plant resources from pests. This policy brief provides a phytosanitary perspective to market access, touching on the critical role of National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) in preventing the introduction and spread of pests while facilitating trade through market access. It presents recommendations to improve compliance of SADC member states to various sanitary and phytosanitary requirements; to increase awareness of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as an incentive for promoting trade; and resource mobilization for the effective implementation of the Plant Health Strategy for Africa (PHSA) as a tool for promoting market access.
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    The early years of the post-Soviet period demonstrated dynamic activities of a newly formed CIS associated with the establishment of a legal trade and economic cooperation framework. CIS member countries adopted the following agreements: The Agreement on the Establishment of Economic Union dated 24 September 1993 and the Agreement on free trade area, agreements on plant quarantine and veterinary cooperation, on ensuring sanitary and epidemiological safety of population, on pursuing consistent po licy in standardization, metrology and certification. It should be noted that the Agreement on the Establishment of Economic Union was declarative, while the other specified agreements were pithier and of a more applicable nature.
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    Climate change, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and agricultural trade
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    The warming of the climate system as a result of human activity is unequivocal and presents a huge threat to global food security. Many developing countries will be particularly affected by climate change impacts and will suffer reductions in agricultural yields. International agricultural trade presents an opportunity to leverage these challenges, providing the possibility to counteract regional food shortages caused by climate change impacts. However, both climate change and international trade are expected to affect the dispersion of pests and diseases, as well as food-borne pathogens and contaminants. To realize the potential of international agricultural trade and to prevent it from increasing pathways for the geographical distribution of pests, diseases or food-borne pathogens, it is imperative for countries to establish efficient Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures. Ensuring the establishment of such measures, is particularly challenging due to the unpredictable nature of the impact of climate change on pests and diseases. It is necessary to upgrade existing knowledge about climate change effects on pests, diseases and food-borne pathogens and, where possible, for research to be undertaken collaboratively at, for example, regional level.

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