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Report on the Webinar on the International Databases on Biosafety, Organized by FAO, UNEP-CBD and OECD.


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    The third FAO/CBD/OECD webinar on international databases on biosafety: Training on effective use of data on the databases
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    On 9 December 2015 a webinar was jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to discuss the effective use of data on the databases hosted by three organizations. Through six presentations delivered by speakers from Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Spain, Mexico and Canada, participants recognized that the information and data shared on the respective databases are the critical source of information for monitoring the latest approvals in various countries thus contribute to the understanding of the global biosafety situations. In addition to the core data themselves, technical materials shared on the databases, including the Codex guidelines (FAO), BCH National Reports (CBD) and Consensus documents (OECD) were often found useful for risk managers in their decision making process. The usefulness of the up-to-date contact informatio n of the competent authorities was highlighted as it stimulates effective and timely communication regarding the information/data shared by countries.
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    Good Practices for Effective National Communication Mechanisms: FAO/CBD/OECD Webinar of the International Databases on Biosafety 2015
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    On 27 May 2015 a webinar was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that addressed the importance of establishing effective national communication and coordination mechanisms on the topic of biosafety. Prior to this webinar, an online discussion was held to gather input and experiences of countries that were used to develop the content. During the webinar, Japan, Mauritius, Iran and Mexico shared their experiences, challenges and best practices in this field. In the interactive discussions session participants acknowledged the importance of national communication and coordination mechanisms. However, they also noted that the lack of resources, awareness or technical capacity is a challenge to the establishment of such mechanisms. Participants also noted the importance of engaging the general public in the decision-making regarding GM Os. Perspectives were shared on public consultation procedures, communication with the media and the use social media systems. It was suggested that international organizations could facilitate cross-sectoral communication by sharing contact information of their Focal/Contact Points.
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    Challenges and experiences in establishing and maintaining inter-agency communication on biosafety-related issues. FAO/CBD/OECD online discussion of the International Databases on Biosafety 2015
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    In preparation of the second joint FAO/CBD/OECD webinar on international biosafety databases: Good practices for effective national communication mechanisms, an online discussion on the topic of “Challenges and experiences in establishing and maintaining inter-agency communication on biosafety-related issues” was organized on 27 April to 10 May 2015. A total of 327 people registered to this forum and 50 comments were posted from 33 different countries. The online discussion succeeded in gatherin g a large number of participants from different geographical regions who exchanged their views and experiences on national communication and coordination mechanisms in the area of biosafety. The outputs of the online discussion served as a basis for a follow-up webinar. The recommendations made by participants during the online discussion will be taken into account in the planning and implementation of future webinars and any other activities that will be jointly organized by the FAO, CBD and OE CD.

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