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Improving local citrus varieties to meet consumer taste

On-farm conservation and in vitro preservation of citrus local varieties and sustainable utilization in Egypt

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Farmers choose best-adapted varieties for testing
    Conservation of agrobiodiversity of local cultivars of millet, maize and sorgum through improved participatory methods
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    Visit ITPGRFA site internet. In Senegal, 90 percent of the farming area is dedicated to cereal production. Yet three of the main crops, millet, maize and sorghum, are facing progressive loss of genetic diversity in the fields and low variability which has dire effects on the abilities of farmers to achieve good results in their harvesting seasons. Thus, the Treaty Benefit-sharing Fund Project in Senegal pulled 340 samples of millet, maize and s orghum from a database to discuss their merits with local farmers. They specifically chose samples that still are found in farmers’ fields, not those that only exist in genebanks. This allowed local farmers to offer practical advice as to which ones would be best to include in on-farm testing that would determine which ones were best adapted to climatic conditions and also which ones met the taste demands of consumers. The farmers chose 55 varieties.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Costa Rica’s local potato species solve global problems
    Identification of useful potato germplasm adapted to biotic and abiotic stresses caused by global climate change
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    Visit the ITPGRFA internet site .Although the Andes are known as the home of a large part of the genetic variation of potatoes, Costa Rica also has unique species and varieties, including wild relatives, that have not yet been characterized or exploited for breeding but are known to be adapted to adverse cold, heat and drought conditions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Researchers help local farmers save maize wild relative
    Rescue, conservation and sustainable management of teocintle in Nicaragua in the Apacunca Genetic Reserve
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    Visit ITPGRFA site internet.The Treaty Benefit-sharing Fund Project is giving the local farmers and their families a new perspective on conserving teocintle within a wider package of development activities, such as incorporation of new crops in order to diversify diets, and offering training in organic pest control to reduce the need for expensive or caustic inputs. These activities will help generate additional income for rural families withou t putting habitats of teocintle at risk, introduce farmers to the importance of teocintle and its associated species, and raise farmer awareness that teocintle can be exploited as a forage crop for their livestock. The project also supports the development of scientific and ecological tourism in the area.

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