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FAO Yemen Communication Strategy and Workplan for 2023

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO Yemen Communication Strategy and Work Plan for 2022
    Saving livelihoods saves lives
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    This is the FAO Yemen Communication Strategy for 2022
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    Yemen and FAO
    Partnering to improve food security and nutrition and increase resilience of vulnerable families
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    The FAO Country Representation in Yemen has been operational for 40 years. Since the beginning of operations in the country, FAO has provided support to farmers, herders and fishers and has supported the improvement of agricultural production and productivity. Today, FAO is also working with the Yemeni authorities to support sustainable restoration and diversification of agricultural livelihoods.
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    Rural Radio – cultivating sustainable landscapes and livelihoods, together 2024
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    The Rural Radio Initiative, part of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028), emphasizes communication's vital role in promoting sustainable food systems and supporting family farmers. Launched in 2023 across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, it involves farmers' organizations in program design, resulting in people-centered radio content tailored to farmers' needs. This initiative has reached over eight million farmers through hundreds of rural radio stations, facilitating transformative partnerships between farmer organizations, radio stations, and the FAO to shape inclusive and sustainable food systems.

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