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Green Climate Fund handbook for North Macedonia

​FAO. 2019. Green Climate Fund handbook for North Macedonia. Budapest.

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    No-objection Procedure for the Republic of North Macedonia 2019
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    The “No-Objection” Procedure for the Republic of North Macedonia is a technical document developed in the context of the Project “Support for the management of an effective national coordinative mechanism regarding the Green Climate Fund” – the first project of the Republic of North Macedonia under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. The project was implemented by FAO under guidance and leadership of the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government of North Macedonia in charge of Economic Affairs, as National Designated Authority (NDA) to the GCF. The project engaged all relevant stakeholders in consultative processes aiming at prioritization of strategic climate investments for GCF funding. The document was developed with FAO technical support and the inputs of technical staff of relevant national institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia involved in the discussions in 2019, and in particular, thanks to the guidance and leadership of the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia. This technical document will serve the needs of the National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the Republic of North Macedonia and the different stakeholders at country level to provide guidance and all the required elements for the development of high quality proposals in the Republic of North Macedonia for GCF financial support.
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    Водич за Зелениот климатски фонд во Северна Македонија 2019
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    Овој Водич за Зелениот климатски фонд во Северна Македонија беше подготвен од Регионалната канцеларија на ФАО за Европа и Централна Азија, под раководство на Кабинетот на заменикот претседател на Владата задолжен за економски прашања и координација со економските сектори, во улога на Национален назначен орган за Зелениот климатски фонд (ЗКФ). Овој технички документ е развиен во рамки на Проектот „Поддршка за управување со ефективен национален координативен механизам за Зелениот климатски фонд“, кој ги ангажираше сите релевантни засегнати страни во консултативни процеси со цел приоритизација на стратешките климатски инвестиции кои би се финансирале преку ЗКФ. Овој Водич ги содржи основните информации за Зелениот климатски фонд (ЗКФ). Целта на Водичот е да ги информира засегнатите страни кои работат во областа на климатските промени и одржливиот развој како да пристапат до ресурсите на ЗКФ и да спроведуваат проекти финансирани од ЗКФ во Северна Македонија.
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    Green Climate Fund country programme for Equatorial Guinea 2019
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    The Republic of Equatorial Guinea developed this Country Programme to provide an overview of the national scenario, the country’s political framework and its plans and priorities for combating climate change. The Country Programme includes a set of projects and programmes for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). These projects and programmes meet GCF criteria and reflect national priorities. They are intended to prompt a national paradigm shift. This Country Programme is designed to act as a flexible and continually updated programming framework. It will be subject to periodic reviews and adjustments depending on the country’s plans and programmes. The list of ideas for priority projects or programmes may therefore be subject to changes and updates. The Country Programme is the outcome of a consultation process with various national stakeholders. These include ministries, local institutions, the private sector and civil society, as well as Accredited Entities (AEs) located in the country and the GCF focal point.

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