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Report of the sixth session of the coordinating working party on Atlantic fishery statistics - Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-7 Feb 1969

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    Report of the twelfth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic fishery statistics. Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 July - 1 August 1984 1984
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    The final formal report of the twelfth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic fishery Statistics (CWP) held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 July - 1 August 1984, is presented. EUROSTAT, FAO, ICCAT, ICES, ICSEAF, NAFO, OECD were the participating agencies. Major topics considered were: review of recommendations and proposals from CWP-11 and progress; agency programmes and publications presenting Atlantic fishery statistics; FAO consultation on global catch statistics; catch and landing statistics nationality issues; conversion factors; statistics on aquaculture; misreporting of catch and landings data; discrepancies in statistics held in databases; fishing logbooks; glossary of fishery statistics; harmonized format for the transmission of STATLANT data; fishing areas for statistical purposes; fishing fleet statistics; fishermen statistics; landing statistics quantities and values; socioeconomic data; STATLANT system
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    Book (series)
    Rapport de la sixiéme session du groupe de travail de coordination sur les statistiques des pêches de l'Atlantique. Copenhague, Danemark, 3-7 février 1969 1969
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    Le présent document constitue le rapport de la sixième session du Groupe de travail de coordination sur les statistiques des pêchés de l'Atlantique (GTC). Tenue au siégé du CIEN. Charlottenlund Slot, Charlottenlund, Copenhague (Danemark), du 3 au 7 février 1969. Jusqu’à la fin de 1968, le GTC s’appelait «Groupe de travail permanent des statistiques des pêches pour la région de l’Atlantique Nord» Le changement de nom résulte de décision prises par le CIEM, la CIPAN et la FAO en 1968.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the eighth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics. Paris, France, 12-20 September 1974 1974
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    This document is the Report of the eighth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP) held at OECD headquarters, Paris France, 12-20 September 1974. A draft version of this report was issued in September 1974 for distribution at the 62nd Statutory Meeting of ICES, Copenhagen, October 1974. Until the end of 1968 the CWP was known as the "Continuing Working Party on Fishery Statistics in the North Atlantic Area". The change of name has been authorized in decision s taken by the member bodies (ICES, ICNAF, FAO).

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