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Report of the Seminar on the Mud Crab Culture and Trade - BOBP/REP/51

Swat Thani, Thailand; November 5-8,1991

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    Bibliography on the Mud Crab Culture and Trade in the Bay of Bengal Region – BOBP/INF/13 1992
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    This bibliography was prepared by the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) for the seminar on Mud Crab Culture and Trade in the Bay of Bengal region, which was held November 5-8, 1991 in Surat Thani, Thailand. The bibliography has been compiled from many sources, including the SEAFDEC Mud Crab Bibliography, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), U.K. database search and other relevant literature on mud crab. It deals with the biology, culture, resources, exploitation and management, diseases and parasites , marketing, preservation, processing, handling and effects of pollution on mud crab Scylla spp. The bibliography may help serve as a source of information for mud crab fattening and culture entrepreneurs, traders, researchers and officials concerned with the above topics.
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    Promotion of initiatives to ensure the sustainability of the mangrove crab fishery and its value chains in Madagascar 2014
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    The mangrove crab fishery (Scylla scerrata) in Madagascar is an exclusively traditional fishing activity. Crab fishers walk or canoe through the mangroves and use very simple techniques and fishing gear such as a line or a hook mounted on a stick. It is estimated that about 80,000 people are involved in fishing and collecting mangrove crabs in Madagascar. Fishing and landing sites are often very difficult to access, and storage and transport facilities are very rudimentary: this is a sector that has significant post-harvest losses. In recent years, some mangrove areas – those most easily accessible - have already been over-exploited, resulting in a reduction in the average size of crabs caught.
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    Enhancing value-chain performance for mud crab in Madagascar 2014
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    The mud crab fishery in Madagascar is an exclusively traditional fishery, composed of on-foot or pirogue fishers using very simple fishing techniques and gears, such as handlines or hooks mounted on sticks. This is mainly due to the fact that mangrove forests, the natural habitat of the Scylla serrata crab, are often in remote and difficult to access areas.

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