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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetParticipatory and science-based Strategic Action Plan to strengthen the conservation of plant genetic resources and their enhanced use in adapting to climate change in Mesoamerica 2011
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No results found.For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . This project’s framework will benefit farming communities by increasing their capacity to adapt to climate changes, diversify agricultural systems and dietary patterns through increased use of PGRFA diversity, and also substantially increase the capacity of decision makers in Mesoamerican countries to respond to food security challenges. The results and underlying principles of this SAP will be integrated in national policies and programs of the target countries in keeping with the commitment of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture of the Agricultural Council of Central America (CAC) in August 2013, which announced the unanimous support for this SAP, and recognized its notable contribution in providing Mesoamerican countries with access to the genetic resources needed to face the challenges of changing climate. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetUsing rice genetic diversity to support farmers’ adaptation to climate change for sustainable production and improved livelihoods in India 2011
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No results found.For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . THE INDO-GANGETIC PLAINS OF INDIA are expected to be severely affected by drastic weather conditions, such as drought and heat as confirmed by the study that Gene Campaign has conducted in the frame of this project. In order to successfully meet food requirements in an era of climate change, conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic diversity of crop plants have become crucial. This BSF project focuses on addressing these needs within the Indo-Gangetic plains of India -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetResources Management to Adapt to Climate Change in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2011
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No results found.For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . This BSF project aims at developing 11 specific strategies for conservation and utilization of rice, maize, wheat, barley and potato, which account for the largest proportion of people’s food consumption in the country and are indispensable for food security.
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