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Standard operating procedure for soil respiration rate

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    Standard operating procedure for soil available phosphorus - Olsen method 2021
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    This procedure is suitable for calcareous, alkaline, neutral, and slightly acidic soils containing CaPO4, since the calcium concentration in the solution is suppressed by the precipitation of CaCO3, increasing PO4 concentration in solution. Neutral and slightly acid soils (pH 6.0 to 7.0) may contain both Ca- and Al-phosphates. The NaHCO3 extractant can remove Ca-phosphates and phosphate adsorbed on the surface of calcium and magnesium carbonates along with Al-phosphates and is considered the most suitable extractant for these soils.
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    Standard operating procedure for soil total nitrogen - Dumas dry combustion method 2021
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    This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describes, in general terms, the quantification of TN content in soil samples by an elemental analyzer. The procedure measures both organic nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen together. A typical limit of detection is 0,1 g kg-1 N, and a typical limit of quantification is 0,3 g kg-1 N, however this varies depending on the manufacturer and detector settings.
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    Standard operating procedure for soil moisture content by gravimetric method 2023
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    Soil moisture content is one of the fundamental properties used in making decisions related to soil management, such as land preparation, design of irrigation and drainage systems, construction, and risk management. Analytically, determination of air-dry moisture content (i.e. remaining moisture in soil, dried for laboratory analysis) is important, since it is used to express the results of other tests (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) on an oven-dry basis. Soil moisture content analyzed by the gravimetric method has low operational difficulty and can be used for multiple purposes.

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