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Global forest sector outlook 2050: Assessing future demand and sources of timber for a sustainable economy

Background paper for The State of the World’s Forests 2022

FAO. 2022. Global forest sector outlook 2050: Assessing future demand and sources of timber for a sustainable economy – Background paper for The State of the World’s Forests 2022. FAO Forestry Working Paper, No. 31. Rome.

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    The European Forest Sector Outlook Study presents long term trends for supply and demand of forest products (roundwood, sawnwood, panels, pulp, paper, non-wood products) and services and outlook to 2020, in western and eastern Europe and four major CIS countries, including Russia. It reviews trends for the forest resource, trade, markets and recycling. It stresses the future shift in the balance of the sector to the east, and the importance of cross-sectoral issues, notably consequences for the forest sector of energy, environment and trade policies, which are examined in some detail. The study is based on a major collaborative effort by experts in the countries covered by the study, under the auspices of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission. The study identifies a number of major policy issues and proposes some policy recommendations, as a basis for future debate.
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    Strategy for self-reliance in wood sector of India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The study analyses present demand and supply scenario as well as makes future projections of wood demand in India. Domestic sources constitute forests and trees outside forests. It is deducted that the forests of India supply around 25-30 m cum of wood and another 20-25 m cum is supplied from trees outside forests. Therefore,the total supply from domestic sources is about 45-55 m cum. Overall, it is estimated based on the past data, that by 2022, India’s demand of wood will be around 75-100 million cubic meters (m cum). India’s trade in wood and wood products is also studied in detail to get a holistic picture of the wood sector in the country and to understand international dynamics of the wood trade. The ITTO provides figure of 50 m cum of logs produced by India and another 4 m cum of logs imported into the country. India is a net importer of wood and wood products. The total importof wood products was 6.8 b US $ in 2019 with exports valued at 1.2 b US $. As of 2019, wood pulp constituted 20%, Printing and writing paper 19%, Recovered paper 14%, industrial roundwood and newsprint both 11% of the imports. The challenge for India is to overcome the shortage of about 25-30 m cum of timber so that imports are minimised as well as the domestic illegal supply can be stopped. Subsequently, it can be a net exporter of wood and wood products. For this, strategy to enhance output from its production forests as well agroforestry sector are discussed and necessary policy interventions are suggested. Keywords: India, forest, wood, wood products, self-reliance ID: 3484302
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    This report reviews the outlook for the supply and demand of roundwood and forest products, and the balance between the two until 2020, while taking into account recycling, energy and trade issues. It covers the forest and forest products sector, including the forest itself, as well as production, trade and consumption of forest products and wood for energy

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