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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheete-Agriculture Promising Practice - UPTAKE: driving adoption of agri-technologies through ICTs 2018
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No results found.CABI and FRI’s Upscaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project uses SMS messages to increase awareness and adoption of agricultural technologies in maize value chains. The project seeks to strengthen the adoption of improved maize varieties. Continuous learning and improvement of the SMS campaign strategy is at the foundation of the success of the project. Lessons from farmers, extension agents and the entire maize value chain are being incorporated in the system regularly. -
DocumentSmallholder productivity under climatic variability: adoption and impact of widely promoted agricultural practices in Tanzania
Policy brief no. 2
2015Also available in:
No results found.This brief summarizes the results of a novel analysis that examines the determinants of adoption of agricultural practices to improve food security and their productivity implications in Tanzania. Conducted by the FAO Economics and Policy Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Programme (EPIC), the approach integrates historical Climate data with a rich set of socio-economic data in a rigorous empirical analysis. The anlaysis creates evidence to support the efficient targeting of agricultural policies to improve food security under climate change. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetUgani Kiganjani- All the extension agricultural services in your hands 2021
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Ugani Kiganjani is an innovative, simple and affordable mobile and web-based digital agriculture extension service available for weather, crop calendars, nutrition, livestock and fisheries sub sectors in Tanzania. It is a key component of the Agriculture Digital Services Portfolio provided by FAO to member countries and complementing other digital services portfolios aiming to serve the farmers, including M-Kilimo and EMA-i. This publication aims at presenting it as an attractive solution for all stakeholders involved in the agriculture and food sector at all levels, from simple farmers to high level governments representatives but targeting here more specifically the farmers in the field to show them what the app is, its benefits and how to use and download it for their own benefits.
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