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The Gambia and FAO

Partnering to achieve food security and nutrition

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Gambia and FAO - Partnering to achieve the four betters 2024
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    The FAO Gambia Country Office's Country Profile presents a concise overview of the office's major achievements in recent years. Highlighting successful initiatives and collaborative efforts, the document serves as a transparent account of our commitment to sustainable agriculture, food security, and rural development in the Gambia. This abstract invites readers to explore the comprehensive profile for insights, lessons learned, and opportunities for future partnerships.
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    Book (series)
    Terminal evaluation of the project "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in the Gambia"
    Project code: GCP/GAM/033/LDF - GEF ID 5782
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    The evaluation project “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in the Gambia (GCP/GAM/033/LDF)” found that it was, generally, satisfactorily implemented to achieve its objective to “To strengthen diversified and sustainable livelihood strategies for reducing the impacts of climate variability and change in agriculture and livestock sector”. However, implementation in the livestock sector faced challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and cumbersome procurement processes among others. The project built capacities of implementing partner institutions, CSOs and farmer-based organizations, and supported the establishment of vegetable gardens for increased income and nutrition security of beneficiary communities. The planned animal drinking points, if successfully implemented, will facilitate watering of animals, thereby increasing their production and productivity. Other established schemes like beekeeping, poultry and small ruminants will also contribute to increasing beneficiary income-earning capacities. Additionally, the upgrading of the National Environment Agency (NEA) Lab and training of staff has positioned the agency to contribute towards addressing climate change issues.
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    Adopting anticipatory action and shock-responsive social protection to strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience: Learning from the ASEAN region
    Webinar – 4 April 2022: Key takeaway messages
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    This webinar, the fifth webinar of a series on Anticipatory Action, was called “Adopting Anticipatory Action and shock-responsive social protection to strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience: Learning from the ASEAN region”. It was co-organised with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, in close collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Regional technical working group on Anticipatory Action and support from the European Union, by the Knowledge Sharing Platform on Resilience, within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO's) Office of Emergencies and Resilience. Since May 2019, the FAO-led consortium of United Nations (UN) agencies (World Food Programme, United Nations Children's Fund, UN Women), Red Cross Red Crescent Movement (German Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (Save the Children International, People in Need, and Dan Church Aid) have been implementing the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)-funded project: Scaling up Anticipatory Action and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN. The ambition of this project was to introduce new and innovative approaches in the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response and its work programme. Since its inception, the project has been implementing the ASEAN Guidelines on Disaster Responsive Social Protection to support country roadmaps to incorporate it alongside Anticipatory Action. Specific target countries included: Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Viet Nam. In mid-October 2021, the project commissioned an independent external evaluation to assess the: (i) relevance of ECHO-supported interventions since 2017; (ii) efficiency and effectiveness of implementation encompassing partnerships, operational arrangements and resource utilization; (iii) achievement of results and impacts on capacity development of ASEAN member states, particularly project target countries and ASEAN; and (iv) cross-cutting issues including inclusivity and resilience. The participatory review process involved all relevant stakeholders: beneficiaries, government officials, ASEAN sector bodies, implementing UN agencies, NGO partners and others. Against this background, the webinar specifically aimed to: • present the key findings on the progress of advancing Anticipatory Action and SRSP in ASEAN (and beyond) through an institutionalized approach; • illustrate project results and lessons learned relevant to the adoption, institutionalization and sustainable financing of Anticipatory Action and SRSP, including meaningful evidence of the project’s COVID-19 cash transfer impacts on beneficiaries; and • discuss recommendations for further scaling up and sustaining the proven approaches.

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