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FAO/Regional Commission for Fisheries. Report of the sixth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 21-23 October 2014

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1094. Rome, FAO. 50 pp.

FAO/Regional Commission for Fisheries. 2015. Report of the sixth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture, Muscat, Oman, 21–23 October 2014. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1094. Rome, FAO. 50 pp.

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    Report of the fourth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 27–28 January 2009 2009
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    The fourth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA) of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was held in Muscat, Oman, from 27 to 28 January 2009 and was attended by the representatives from seven member countries. The WGA reviewed the recommendations and decisions of the Commission made at its fourth session (Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 7–9 May 2007) and noted that all planned and endorsed WGA activities had been duly implemented. The meeting extensively discussed the fin al activities and inputs to the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS) in view of its imminent and official launching in March 2009. The participants discussed and agreed on the i) RAIS User Manual, ii) promotional flyer, iii) press release, and iv) on the overall communication strategy to launch and to further strengthen the information system. The WGA noted with regret that the start of the “Aquaculture legal and policy framework project” during the intersessional period was not possib le as the agreed financial input from all the contributing Commission members had not been received. The WGA finalized its proposed programme of work for the new intersessional period based on the needs and recommendations resulting from the implementation of activities in the last biennium and emerging issues of importance for the region. The WGA recognized that the Commission, based on its current level of financial contribution, may not have the required budget to implement a comprehensive aq uaculture programme and recommended that some activities could be implemented with extrabudgetary funds. The six main activities proposed in order of priority for the new work plan include: 1) application of risk analysis to aquaculture, 2) environmental monitoring in cage aquaculture, 3) impacts of red tides to aquaculture, 4) development of national strategies on aquatic animal health, 5) spatial tools and aquaculture zoning, and 6) aquaculture recirculation strategies. The WGA recommended tha t the Commission should also encourage and support more training and on-the-job cooperation in the field of aquaculture development among its members as well as in countries outside the region.
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    Report of the fourth meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Fisheries Management. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 3-5 October 2010. 2010
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    This document contains the report of the fourth meeting of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Working Group on Fisheries Management (WGFM), which was held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, from 3 to 5 October 2010. The Working Group considered and made decisions on matters concerning the Programme of Work and Budget for the 2011¿12 biennium for the WGFM including a review of the regional strategy and priorities for regional fisheries management, the outcome of the Special Meeting on R ECOFI Consolidation and Development that took place at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, in May 2010, and stock status reporting in support of long-term sustainable fisheries management in the RECOFI region. Significantly, the WGFM adopted a Recommendation on Minimum Data Reporting in the RECOFI Area. This is the first Recommendation adopted by the WGFM. If accepted by RECOFI, it will become binding on Members of the Commission. The WGFM also considered a proposal by the Sultanate of Oman in relati on to a proposal for a feasibility study to review the development of a regional database on violations, establish a list of vessels authorized to fish by RECOFI Members and promote the establishment of a regional fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance information exchange scheme. Finally, the WGFM reviewed the outcomes of the Tripartite Meeting on Fisheries Management Cooperation in the Northern Area of RECOFI that was held at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, in May 2010, and the FAO/INFO SAMAK Seminar on Fish Trade and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Near East and North Africa that took place in Agadir, Morocco, in June 2010. Other important decisions made by the WGFM included the election of a new Chairperson, the agreement to propose to the Commission that the WGFM meet annually rather than on a biennial basis and that a special meeting of the Working Group be convened immediately prior to the May 2011 session of the Commission.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the first Session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 6-8 October 2001. [No printed version.] / ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????. ???? – ???? ?? ?????? ?? 6-8 ?????? 2001 2005
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    The first session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, from 6 to 8 October 2001. Delegates and potential members of the Commission and Observers from the WorldFish Centre, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the United Nations Environment Programme attended the session. Official opening was made by Dr Younis Khalfan Al-Akhzami (Director General of Fisheries Resources of the Sultanate of Oman), and Dr Mohammad Saif Abdul lah (Senior Regional Fisheries Officer, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and General Secretary of the RECOFI). Main items discussed were: rules of procedures of RECOFI, working methods and subsidiary bodies, annual meetings, status of fisheries in Member Countries, financial arrangements and future activities of RECOFI.

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