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FAO/Regional Commission for Fisheries. Report of the sixth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 21-23 October 2014

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1094. Rome, FAO. 50 pp.

FAO/Regional Commission for Fisheries. 2015. Report of the sixth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture, Muscat, Oman, 21–23 October 2014. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1094. Rome, FAO. 50 pp.

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    Report of the fifth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture. Doha, the State of Qatar, 27 October 2010 2010
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    The fifth meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA) of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was held in Doha, the State of Qatar, on 27 October 2010 and was attended by the representatives from seven Member countries. The WGA reviewed the outcome and recommendations of the Special Meeting on RECOFI Consolidation and Development held in Rome in May 2010 at the request of the Commission at its Fifth session. The WGA in acknowledging the suggestions made at this meeting, requested the Secretariat to communicate to its Members the options to be considered for strengthening the Commission, well in advance of its next session. The WGA discussed national and regional follow-up actions to the two WGA technical workshops on Aquatic Animal Health (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 6–10 April 2008) and on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development (Muscat, Oman, 25–27 January 2009). In general, it was agreed that the Members benefitted from technical workshops organized under the aegis of the Commission. It was nevertheless noted that an efficient mechanism on how to best ensure a coordinated and region-wide response and follow-up to key technical recommendations was needed. A brief presentation on the joint RECOFI WGA and Working Group on Fisheries Management (WGFM) Regional Technical Workshop on Spatial Planning for Marine Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture, held in Doha, Qatar, from 24 to 28 October, was presented highlighting the key recommendations and suggested follow-up outputs. The meeting discussed the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS) following the presentation of the first Web analysis report which indicated a steady interest in the information system particularly among the Arabic speaking countries. Actions to further consolidate the system were discussed along with the need to improve the overall communication outputs at the national and regional levels. The WGA finalized its proposed programme of work for the next intersessional period, bas ed also on the recommendations from its previous technical workshops. The WGA recognized that the Commission, based on its current level of financial contribution, may not have the required budget to implement a comprehensive aquaculture programme and recommended that some activities could be implemented with extrabudgetary funds. The WGA Focal Point of Qatar was nominated as the new WGA Chairperson.
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    Report of the seventh meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Aquaculture, Doha, the State of Qatar, 26-28 April 2016 2016
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    The seventh meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA) of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was held in Doha, the State of Qatar, from 26 to 28 April 2016 and was attended by the representatives from six Member countries. The WGA reviewed the outcome and recommendations of the eighth session of the Commission and took note that the recommendation on Minimum Reporting on Aquaculture Data and Information was adopted. The meeting agreed on a series of preliminary actions deemed necessary for the timely implementation of the recommendation which included the preparation, testing and adoption of a tailored questionnaire. The outcome and recommendations of the regional WGA training course on risk analysis on live aquatic animal introductions and of the round-table meeting the RECOFI regional aquatic biosecurity programme were reviewed. The WGA agreed on the necessity to establish an ad hoc biosecurity task force, which would technical follow-up on all the aquatic animal h ealth issues. WGA recommended that a regional set of cage site-selection criteria be prepared for adoption. With reference to the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS), the meeting noted that stronger efforts were needed to ensure that the information system provides the intended services to the sector.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the sixth session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries, Rome, 10-12 May 2011/ 2011
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    The sixth session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was held in Rome, Italy, from 10 to 12 May 2011. The Commission reviewed a range of regional issues and intersessional activities of importance to the conservation and management of fisheries and aquaculture. Members considered and endorsed the administrative and financial reports, and endorsed the findings and outcomes of the Special Meeting on RECOFI Consolidation and Development, including the technical review of RE COFI. The Commission noted the significant FAO Regular Programme contributions to support RECOFI’s work and that capacity development remained a critical issue in the region. The Commission discussed the report of the Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA), including the fifth meeting of the WGA and the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS). The report of the Working Group on Fisheries Management (WGFM) was addressed, as well as the outcome of the third and fourth meetings of the WGFM, stock status reporting and review of capture fisheries statistics, and unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the region. The Commission agreed to adopt the FAO/RECOFI joint WGA and WGFM regional strategy on spatial planning for marine capture fisheries and aquaculture and, within available resources, to provide the necessary support for follow-up action for the strategy’s implementation. The Commission adopted its first fisheries management recommendation on minimum data reporting in the RECOFI area and agreed that the recommendation would take effect on 1 January 2012. The Commission agreed on a threefold increase of the Members’ annual contributions from 2013 provided that all arrears were liquidated by 31 December 2011. The Commission discussed and approved the programme of work for the WGA and the WGFM. In considering the programme of work and budget for the 2011–2012 biennium, the Commission approved nine activities for implementation. A further e leven activities were postponed for financial reasons. The Commission reconfirmed that the seventh session of RECOFI would be held in Iran (Islamic Republic of) in May 2013.

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