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Food Security in Lao PDR: a Trend Analysis

Lao PDR expenditure and consumption survey (2002/03 and 2007/08 lecs), Vientiane, March 2012

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    A quantitative analysis of trends in agricultural and food global value chains (GVCs)
    Background paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2020
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    Over the last decade, increasing international fragmentation of production has affected both trade and production: these activities have become increasingly organized around what is commonly referred to as global value chains (GVCs). Increased fragmentation has brought with it challenges of tracing and measuring international divisions of labor, value-added, and so forth. In fact, conventional measures of trade only measure the gross value of exchanges between partners. They are not able to reveal how foreign producers, upstream in the value chain, are connected to final consumers at the end of the value chain. The aim of this paper is to use a globally consistent set of country-level data on GVC participation positioning in the agri-food sectors to distill global and regional trends in GVC participation between 1995-2015. It also focuses on five selected countries: Brazil, Germany, Ghana, Nepal, and Viet Nam - to illustrate how country-specific characteristics affect GVC participation trends as well as identify major differences across countries. This is the first time such a detailed trend analysis has been carried out for the agricultural and food sectors, with near-universal regional coverage, and covering two decades. The authors suggest that the inter-temporal and cross-country trends identified in this paper can contribute to derive insights into development pathways for low-and middle-income countries, as well as identify how key characteristics of countries will affect the way it uses international trade to boost domestic agricultural productivity growth.
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    Programming for secure livelihoods amid uncertainty: trends and directions in livelihoods, nutrition and food security in Darfur 2012
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    This report examines trends and directions in livelihoods, nutrition and food security across Darfur since 2005. It provides an analysis for agencies and government that can support programming which responds more effectively to the emerging development context. The report uses data from secondary sources, both those available in Sudan and internationally. Primary data collection was planned for 2011, but could not be carried out due to factors beyond our control. Instead, the authors consulted closely with agency staff, academics and development practitioners on the use and interpretation of secondary data and employed the services of two Sudanese consultants – in Khartoum and Darfur – to provide additional material and support the wider analysis. The original objectives of the study were to: Review and prepare a descriptive analysis of all nutrition, public health, livelihoods and other relevant data and secondary sources. This includes the small-scale survey reports compiled in C E-DAT4 for health and nutrition. Investigate trends and determinants of malnutrition from a public health point of view in the Darfur states, in order to help agencies to better understand patterns of high acute malnutrition rates in certain areas and at certain times of year. Provide practical and workable recommendations for best practice to guide future programming options. Based on these objectives the document is mainly technical in nature and practitioneroriented. It does not speak t o the wider complexities of Darfur’s current and future political development.

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