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FAO Rice Market Monitor, July 1998

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    FAO Rice Market Monitor, May 1998 1998
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    According to FAO’s latest forecast, global paddy output in 1998 could reach 567 million tonnes, only 4 million tonnes, or less than one percent lower than the previous year's revised record level. This forecast is still tentative and critically hinges on a timely and normal development of the Asian monsoon.
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    FAO Rice Market Monitor, September 1998 1998
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    FAO’s latest forecast for global paddy output in 1998 is 561 million tonnes, about 17 million tonnes, or about 3 percent lower than the previous year's revised record level. The reduction is largely attributed to flood-related problems in a number of major rice producing countries in Asia where preliminary indications suggest a high degree of damage in some countries. However, the final outcome will greatly depend on the impact of floods in the affected countries.
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    FAO Rice Market Monitor, July 199 1999
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    The 1999 paddy season is progressing well in the Northern Hemisphere countries under generally favourable conditions, while in the Southern Hemisphere and around the equatorial belt, harvesting of the 1999 main paddy crop season is virtually done. Production in several countries is expected to rebound from last season’s depressed level due to a combination of larger plantings and higher yields. A number of countries are anticipating record production. Based on crop estimates in the Southern Hemisphere and the crop progress reports in several countries in the Northern Hemisphere, FAO is tentatively forecasting global paddy output in 1999 to reach an all time high of 582 million tonnes, barring any unforeseen natural calamities.

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