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Report of the Regional Workshops on Awareness Building on Fisheries Ecolabelling, Aquaculture Certification, Conformity Assessment and Benchmarking, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-6 August 2015; Bangkok, Thailand, 31 August-1 September 2015; and Santiago, Chile, 8-9 September 2015

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    Report of the Expert Consultation to Develop an FAO Evaluation Framework to Assess the Conformity of Public and Private Ecolabelling Schemes with the FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. Rome, 24 2011
    The FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries, originally adopted by the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in 2005, were adopted in revised form by the Twenty-eighth Session of COFI in 2009. Following two Expert Consultations held in 2006 and 2008, a third Expert Consultation convened in May 2010 completed the draft Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from inland capture fisheries for consideration by COFI in Jan uary–February 2011. Following discussion in both COFI and the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI:FT) relating to checking claims of compliance of ecolabelling schemes with the FAO Guidelines on ecolabelling of fish and fishery products, the Twenty-eighth Session of COFI requested the Secretariat to present a proposal to address this issue to COFI:FT. The Secretariat prepared and presented a document outlining various options for assessing the conformity of ecolabelling schemes with the FAO Guidelines to the Twelfth Session of COFI:FT. The Twelfth Session of COFI:FT agreed that, as a first step, the FAO Secretariat should convene an Expert Consultation to develop an FAO evaluation framework to assess the conformity of public and private ecolabelling schemes with the FAO Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries. The Expert Consultation was convened in response to this decision. COFI:FT al so noted that it would be beneficial to develop a similar evaluation framework to assess the conformity of ecolabelling schemes with the FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Fisheries after their adoption. Moreover, as these draft Guidelines follow very closely the marine Guidelines, the Expert Consultation also considered additional criteria relating specifically to the inland fisheries Guidelines. In the event of COFI adopting the Inland Guidelin es, an evaluation framework for ecolabelling schemes certifying fish and fishery products from inland fisheries could readily be produced. The Expert Consultation considered a number of issues relating to the Guidelines and the Evaluation Framework. Inter alia, it noted that the Guidelines, and therefore the draft Evaluation Framework, relate only to the biological sustainability of fishery resources and not to other aspects that might have an impact on sustainability. Also noted wer e the many commonalities between the Marine Ecolabelling Guidelines and the draft Inland Ecolabelling Guidelines, and that the major difference between them relates to the consideration of enhancement and the use of introduced and/or translocated species in the draft Inland Guidelines. The Expert Consultation noted that in both sets of Guidelines there is insufficient attention given to the chain of custody. The respective responsibilities of States and ecolabelling schemes in relation to assistance to developing countries was also discussed. The draft Evaluation Framework is provided in Appendix D with an explanation of the approach in the body of this report.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the seventh session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Russian Federation 7-11 October 2013 / Rapport de la septième session du Sous-Comitá de l'Aquaculture Saint-Pétersbourg, Fédération de Russie, 7-11 octobre 2013 / Informe de la séptima reunión del Subcomité de Acuicultura San Petersburgo, Federación de Rusia, 7-11 de octubre de 2013c 2014
    The seventh session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) was held in St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation from 7 to 11 October 2013 at the kind invitation of the Government of the Russian Federation. It was attended by 51 Members of FAO and by observers from six intergovernmental and four international non-governmental organizations. Several working documents were presented by the Secretariat for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee approved the draft terms of reference for an advisory working group on aquatic genetic resources and technologies and the draft evaluation framework assessing conformity of public and private certification schemes with the FAO technical guidelines on aquaculture certification. A special event on strengthening international cooperation for accelerating sustainable aquaculture development was also held. This document contains the report of the session adopted by the Sub-Committe e.
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    Round Table on Eco-labelling and Certification in the Fisheries Sector, The Hague, The Netherlands, 22-23 April 2009 2009
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    Over the past decade eco-labels and related certification have become a feature of international trade and marketing of fish and fish products. Eco-labels are a market-based mechanism designed to provide incentives for more sustainable fisheries management by encouraging buyers, from large scale retailers to individual consumers, to only purchase fish and seafood certified as having come from a sustainable fishery. Commitments to sustainable fish sourcing have become increasingly common in the p rocurement strategies and corporate social responsibility strategies of large-scale retailers and commercial brand owners. The Round Table forms part of the programme of work of the OECD Committee for Fisheries, specifically contributing to its project on Fisheries and Aquaculture Certification. Eco-labels have been on the agenda of the FAO Committee for Fisheries for over a decade. The Round Table will inform ongoing work at the FAO on responsible fisheries and on private standards in capture f isheries and aquaculture.

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