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Book (series)BCC-FAO Regional Project Development Inception Workshop on Building Resilience in Benguela Fisheries and Aquaculture, Cape Town, South Africa, 3–5 July 2013
Cape Town, South Africa, 3–5 July 2013
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No results found.The objectives of the workshop were to bring together relevant stakeholders of the Benguela Large Marine Ecosystem to: (i) introduce the overall project and, more specifically, the project development phase; (ii) identify issues of transboundary concern that could be addressed in the project (from impacts to vulnerabilities, from past to future adaptation actions); (iii) clarify project preparation steps, identify partners, champions and resources during the preparation and, eventually, project implementation phases; and (iv) initiate discussion on the proposed national workshops to support the project development. -
Book (series)Report of the Regional Workshop on the Identification of Deep-sea Cartilaginous Fishes of the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Cape Town, South Africa, 23–26 June 2015 2016
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No results found.The regional workshop on the “Identification of Deep-sea Cartilaginous fishes of the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean” was held at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cape Town, South Africa, from 23 to 26 June 2015. It was attended by 15 participants from a wide range of countries and fields of expertise, including taxonomy and bio-ecology of cartilaginous fishes. The general objective of the workshop was to improve the capabilities of scientists from countries facing the South an d Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean in the identification of a range of deep-sea cartilaginous fish species caught in the region. The participants were introduced to the anatomical features and taxonomy of the orders of deep-sea cartilaginous fishes occurring in the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean, to the use of the taxonomic keys included in the reference text material (e.g. FAO Catalogues and Identification Guide) and to the methodologies of processing and identifying a selection of specimens. Moreov er, a biological data collection protocol was illustrated thus allowing for better reporting of shark specimens. -
Book (series)Product Certification and Ecolabelling for Fisheries Sustainability 2001
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No results found.Product certification and ecolabelling are tools that can be used to support fisheries management. These tools, while inter-related and serving the same goal, have important differences as currently applied in fisheries. Product certification is commonly a measure mandated by governments, often mutually agreed upon by regional fisheries management organizations, in order to ensure that only legally harvested and reported fish landings can be traded and sold in the domestic or international marke ts. The principal objective of product certification (and catch documentation) is to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in accordance with the 2001 FAO International Plan of Action. Product certification does not necessarily involve a product label at the retail level. Where product certification comes with a label to inform consumers, however, it can influence consumers’ choices. This technical paper provides information on important institutional features and characteristics of product certification schemes including: the linkage with management objectives; the level of government involvement; their validation procedures; and, in the international context, how they deal with non-participants of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements. Product labels can be mandatory or voluntary and may refer to different kinds of product characteristics or attributes including the product’s composition or contents, product quality or form, as well as environmental or social aspects of the product’s production process or method. The focus in this publication is on voluntary product labelling that conveys environmental information to consumers. The principal objective of an ecolabelling scheme is to create a market-based incentive for better management of fisheries by creating consumer demand for seafood products from well-managed stocks. This technical paper provides information on the theoretical foundation, institutional arrange ments and relationship with international trade law of ecolabelling programmes for fish and fishery products. It also discusses trade access concerns with ecolabelling programmes and examines their operational features including certification criteria, certification costs and chain of custody. The document includes a list of related sites on the Internet.
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