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Afghanistan's Agro-ecological zoning atlas. Part 2: Agro-ecological assessments

A study of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in collaboration with FAO

FAO and IIASA. 2022. Afghanistan's Agro-ecological zoning atlas. Part 2: Agro-Ecological Assessments. First revision. Rome.

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    The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Agro-Ecological Zoning Atlas
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    Agriculture is crucial for the national economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Adoption of new strategies for agriculture monitoring, rural land use planning, and management are urgently required to reduce hunger and poverty and to assure sustainable food and feed production for future generations. The availability of reliable information on natural resources and agriculture for its monitoring and analysis is indispensable to the development and implementation of such strategies. For this purpose the project “Strengthening Afghanistan Institutions’ Capacity for the Assessment of Agriculture Production and Scenario Development” (GCP/AFG/087/EC), funded by the European Union (EU), is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Within the context of this project, FAO and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) are developing a National Agro-Ecological Zoning activity (NAEZ) in Afghanistan. This Atlas is the first of two books and provides the collected information and maps of the country based on the agro-climatic Indicators.
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    Agro-Ecological Zones in Punjab - Pakistan
    Final Report
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    A team of scientists and researchers from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad and University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, in collaboration with FAO and Government of Punjab (Agriculture Department) worked together to delineate the Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ) in Punjab. AEZ refers to the division of Punjab region into land resource mapping units, having a unique combination of landform, soil and climatic characteristics, and/or land cover. Based on the most up to date collected information on natural resources, climate and agricultural markets, AEZ reveals an enormous potential for crop diversification and productivity. And it is the need of the hour in a country where population is rapidly growing and where climate changes (increases in temperature, changes in rainfall pattern, extreme weather events) evidence the vulnerability of the current agricultural systems. From a side AEZ will help to make smallholder farming a profitable business and overall enhance agriculture efficiency. On the other side, policymakers will be able to use data of AEZ and associated information on land characteristics (soil quality, topography, agricultural land use, yeld etc) to formulate optimal policies for sustainable agricultural production.
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    Agro-ecological atlas of the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
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    Agriculture has an important role in North Macedonia and in 2017 it accounted for 7.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. However, agriculture’s share of the country’s GDP has been decreasing for the past decade, and the need to improve agricultural productivity has become an important challenge. For this purpose, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) with the support of FAO initiated to adapt FAO’s agro-ecological zones (AEZ) methodology to local needs in the country. The effort was undertaken by forming a wide technical working group with representatives from academia, the Hydro-Meteorological Service, State Statistics Office, and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. The delineation of agro-ecological zones specific to crops presents a useful preliminary evaluation of the country’s agricultural potential and provides a tool for regional and environmentally sustainable development planning. Agro-ecological zoning refers to the division of an area of land into land resource mapping units, having a unique combination of landform, soil and climatic characteristics, and/or land cover having a specific range of potentials and constraints for agricultural land use. This atlas shows the results collected during this study and the related developed maps.

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