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ProjectRecommendations regarding fish species suitable for stocking tributary rivers/streams (cold waters) and responses from the Advisory Group in-line with the code of practice regarding species introductions
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 16
1991Also available in:
No results found.The purpose of this document is to archive the recommendations of the project to introduce four cyprinid fish species into the Sepik/Ramu catchment for purposes of fish stock enhancement. Coates (1990a) outlined the reasons 1 and justification for stocking the river basin. Coates (1990b and 1991) detailed proposals to stock the basin with four species (two translocated within Papua New Guinea and two new introductions) all of which were lowland, warm water species. The present four species are a ll recommended for tributary rivers at higher altitudes. -
ProjectRecommendations regarding fish species suitable for stocking
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 17
1993Also available in:
No results found.This document serves to archive the recommendation made by project PNG/85/001 to stock the Sepik-Ramu river system with the fish Colossoma bidens and the responses from the project advisory group in this regard. The project follows the code of practice regarding fish species transfers (Turner 1988). The project advisory group have been familiarised with the supporting documentation available on the requirements and technical background for stocking the river system. This document assumes familia rity with this information and should not be considered in isolation. -
ProjectSubsistence Fisheries in Lower Order Streams: Notes on Species Preference, Fishing Methods, Catch Composition, Yield and Dietary Importance of Fish
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 11
1990Also available in:
No results found.One of the aims of the Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project is to find out the potential of fish stocking into the Sepik-Ramu river system. To achieve this aim research is done that is primarily biological and ecological in nature. However, the aim of stocking is to improve the fishery resources available to the people living in the region. Coates (1985) has pointed out that the yield from the floodplain area is low compared to other floodplain areas in the world. He attributed these low y ields to the impoverished fish fauna of the Sepik basin. Although fishing is not a major activity of the people living in the hills and mountains of the Sepik-Ramu catchment, it is nevertheless generally assumed that fish forms a considerable part of their protein diet, as other protein sources are (equally) scarce. One of the aims of the fisheries survey in this region above the main channel and its system of floodplains, lakes and backswamps done by Benoit Mys was to find out how important fis h is in the diet of these people, and what effort they put into fishing.
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