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Book (series)GFCM - Report of the first session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Rome, Italy, 23-26 March 1999. / CGPM - Rapport de la première session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Rome, Italie, 23-26 mars 1999. 1999
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No results found.The first session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) met in Rome, Italy, from 23 to 26 March 1999. The Committee agreed that a harmonized approach is necessary for deciding on management units. Concerning the definition of parameters to express fishing efforts, the Committee decided to set up an ad hoc working group to discuss this issue. The Committee reviewed the current situation and available information on stock assessment an d recognized the necessity of developing a capacity to adapt some assessment methods to the Mediterranean context. The Committee agreed on its structure and functioning and elected its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the two consecutive intersessional periods -
MeetingReport of the Second Coordinating Meeting of the Working Groups (CMWG). Rome, Italy 3 September 2008
Meeting document GFCM:CAQ/VI/2008/Inf.8
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Book (stand-alone)Report of the FIRST ADVISORY GROUP MEETING. Rome, Italy, 17 December 2008 2009
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No results found.The first meeting of the EAF-Nansen project Advisory Group was held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, on 17 December 2008. The meeting was attended by 15 Advisory Group members and observers and was chaired by Dr Kevern Cochrane, Chief of the FAO Fisheries Management and Conservation Service. The meeting was informed that although the project document does not make provision for an Advisory Group, from internal discussions on the governance structure of the project FAO felt the need f or an independent body that would look across the regions and would bring in experiences from outside the project area. Consequently, the Advisory Group was constituted to give direction to the project, to play the role of a global “Steering Committee” to assess the project progress, and to advise the project management on implementation of activities. The project team made presentations on project activities since inception, the project management structure including the role of the E AF national and regional Task Groups, the ecosystem survey component of the project, communications and training. Also presented were the outcomes of the Survey Planning meeting and Project Forum that had taken place on 15 and 16 December respectively and also the work plan for 2009. The Advisory Group made a number of recommendations on project implementation and outreach and asked FAO to appraise them from time to time on progress of work.
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