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Addressing transboundary threats to the food chain - Food chain crisis- Emergency Prevention System (FCC-EMPRES)

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Food Chain Crisis Management Framework: FAO’s approach to address transboundary threats affecting food safety, animal, aquatic, crop, and forest health 2015
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    Outbreaks of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, including forest pests and aquatic diseases, food safety and radiation events has been increasing over the past years, impacting people’s access to quality food, and putting their livelihoods and health at risk. To address this challenge, FAO established the Food Chain Crisis Management Framework (FCC), an approach combining prevention, preparedness, and response to emergencies affecting the food chain and caused by transboundary an imal and plant pests and diseases (including aquatic and forests pests and diseases), food safety and radiological threats.
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    FAO Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin 2017
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    The Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin is a product of collaboration between the Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) for transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases and food safety threats, the Global Early Warning System for transboundary animal diseases, including zoonoses (GLEWS), the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS), and coordinated by the Intelligence and Coordination Unit of the Food Chain Crisis Management Framework (FCC) of FAO.
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    Poster, banner
    Averting risks to the food chain 2017
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    Threats to our food, whether in the form of pathogen, insect or contaminant, are now spreading faster and further than ever before. Propelled by an array of global trends, their rapid transmission, in particular from country to country, makes effective and timely response more difficult. To address the rising number of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases (including those that afflict aquatic life and forests), food safety and radiation threats, FAO established the Food Chain Crisis – Emergency Prevention System (FCC-EMPRES). Since 2008, new technologies, tools, manuals and guidelines have been developed to facilitate the detection, early warning, monitoring and assessment of threats. Calling for an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, FCC-EMPRES sees the collaboration of experts in animal and aquatic health, food safety, plant, and forest protection, nuclear techniques applied to agriculture, emergency response, and communication, at global, regional and country lev els. FAO makes a new monthly information sheet and quarterly early warning bulletin available to support member countries and institutions with transboundary threats to the food chain. Related links: Topics: Food chain crisis - Emergency Prevention System (FCC-EMPRES) Download:

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