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Country Programming Framework for Mongolia 2023–2027

FAO. 2023. Country Programming Framework for Mongolia 20232027. Ulaanbaatar.

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    FAO Nigeria Country Programming Framework 2023–2027 2024
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    The Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2023–2027 is FAO Nigeria's 5-year medium term strategic document that outline specific pillars of programming support to the Government of Nigeria, in alignment with the country's priorities as spelled out in various policy and strategic documents to guide sustainable agricultural development and natural resources management. The CPF takes into cognizance the FAO global Strategic Framework 2022–2031, which was developed in the context of recent global and regional developments, trends, and the major challenges in the areas of FAO’s mandate to increase access to and improve the quality of food to all people at all times. The CPF is tailored to also align with the priorities of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the vision of Nigeria’s National Development Plan (NDP) while ensuring that Agenda 2030 is achieved and no one is left behind in the development of the country. FAO Nigeria Country Office will hinge the operational activities of the CPF on four strategic pillars and priority areas. These priorities consider the FAO’s competence and comparative advantages in assisting the Government of Nigeria to achieve the country’s vision of development as well as the vision of change in the UNSDCF. These priority areas include:1. Sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems for improved productivity: this will be implemented by strengthening inclusive, climate smart agrifood value chains and diversified production systems as well as inclusive economic development through decent jobs.2. Increasing resilience of food and agriculture-based livelihood systems: achievable by strengthening national, state, local and community-level capacities for disaster risk management, anticipatory action, efficient response to agricultural threats, emergencies, and resilience building. 3. Healthy and nutritious diets: by supporting enhanced food security and improved nutrition, including promoting nutritious food and increasing access to healthy diets.4. Sustainable natural resources management and climate action: by supporting improved sustainable natural resource management and climate action.The effective implementation of the CPF will expectedly require funding, so it will be financed from the partnership approaches, and collaborations with all stakeholders in the resource mobilization efforts. Generally, FAO shall leverage additional resources to implement this CPF from different bilateral and multilateral donors.
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    Country Programming Framework, Pakistan: 2023–2027 2024
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out three government priority areas to guide FAO's partnership with and support to the Government of Pakistan (GoP), leveraging innovative international good practices and global standards with national and international expertise during the 5 years from 2023 to 2027. The CPF draws on the previous CPF 2018–2022 and the recently developed United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023–2027. The CPF was prepared based on the consultation with the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFS&R), Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives (MPD&SI), Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) and other relevant ministries and departments at the federal level. Provincial and regional level governments, academia, UN agencies and resource partners have also been consulted. The CPF is based on an extensive review of policies and development frameworks and published materials related to the food and agriculture sector of Pakistan.
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    Country Programming Framework (CPF) Mongolia 2012 - 2016
    For Cooperation and Partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Mongolia (GoM)
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    The Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Mongolia 2012-2016 is the joint framework for strategic cooperation between the Government of Mongolia (GoM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Mongolia. Channelled primarily through the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture (MoIA), and the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Green Development (MoNEGD), the CPF sets forth priority areas and activities for FAO’s assistance in support of the attainment of the GoM’s na tional development policy objectives in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and natural resources.

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