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Nature & Faune Journal 29(2). Forests and People: Investing in Africa’s Sustainable Future

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Nature & Faune journal, Volume 32, Issue 1
    Creating a forest landscape restoration movement in Africa: a call to heal planet Earth
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    This edition of Nature & Faune journal explores the science and innovations (technical, social and policy) that can support the achievement of the African dream of restoring 100 million hectares of its degraded land. Articles in this edition share experiences on challenges, opportunities and successful restoration, including farmer managed natural regeneration, improved management of smallholder woodlots, reforestation, evergreen agriculture with intercropped trees, and associated sustainable land management practices such as water harvesting and erosion control. Africa’s Great Green Wall is presented in this edition as a transformative model for rural communities’ sustainable development. In particular the lessons learned from the “Action Against Desertification” programme funded by the European Union and implemented by FAO with partner countries and organizations, are discussed, paving a way towards the implementation of African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative. Initiatives to address land degradation and desertification trends in Africa, promote sustainable land management, and restoration of degraded forests and landscapes include Africa’s Great Green Wall initiative, and 2016’s African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative – AFR100. Most of the articles dwelt on how efforts to this end are being pursued.
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    Book (series)
    Nature & Faune 29(2). Les forêts et les populations:Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique 2015
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    Ce numéro du journal Nature & Faune aborde le thème central suivant : « Les Forêts et les populations : Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique ». Il s’agit d’un numéro spécial pour célébrer la toute première édition du Congrès forestier mondial (CFM) en Afrique. Cet évènement offre aux pays, scientifiques, forestiers, décideurs et professionnels africains du secteur forestier et des domaines afférents, une opportunité de présenter leurs activités en cours dans le cadre du développement d e la foresterie en Afrique. Le présent numéro sera donc lancé lors du XIVème CFM, le plus important rassemblement du secteur forestier qui aura lieu du 7 au 11 septembre 2015 à Durban, en République d’Afrique du sud.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Management of natural forests in dry-tropical zones 1997
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    The management of natural forests in tropical dry zones is the topic addressed by this publication. The document has been long expected by many technicians involved in the management, conservation, and sustainable development of forests, on which depend many people of Africa, Asia and Latin America. In its first part, the document reviews relevant issues, nature and diversity of these forest formations and the biological, socio-economic and human factors that affect their present evolution. I t introduces afterwards the concept of management, and fundamentals and principles under pinning it. An assessment of the tools available is made in the second part, which ends with considerations on prospects, indications and guidelines that would help establish best practices. The document also features case studies exploring promising breakthrough.

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